1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


DODIGEN 226: Cocos alkil dimetil benzil amonyum klorür aq .; Alkil dimetil benzil amonyum klorür; Cas no: 68391-01-5; Karbon zinciri: C12-C18. Uygulama: Sert yüzey temizliği + Tuvalet ve hijyenik temizlik. Ürün Tanımı: Uygun maliyetli, noniyonik / katyonik deterjanlar ve ıslatıcı maddelerle uyumlu quaterner amonyum bileşiği
Kimyasal Açıklama: Cocos alkil dimetil benzil amonyum klorür aq.
Görünüm: Sıvı% 50

Bileşim: Cocos alkil dimetil benzil amonyum klorür
Ürün özellikleri *)
Aktif madde içeriği: yaklaşık% 50
Aktif bileşenin ortalama eşdeğer ağırlığı: 364 g / mol
Serbest amin ve amin hidrokarit: maks. % 1,0
Su içeriği: yaklaşık% 50
20 ° C'de görünüm: sarımsı sıvı
20 ° C'de yoğunluk (DIN 51757): yaklaşık 0,98 g / cm³
% 1 sulu çözelti pH'ı: 6-7
20 ° C'de çözünürlük: suda, alkollerde ve ketonlarda çözünür

Dodigen 226, aşağıdaki yapıcı maddelerle birleştirilebilir:
- Sodyum sülfat
- Sodyum karbonat
- Sodyum asetat
- Sodyum metasilikat * 9 H2O
- Sodyum ortofosfatlar
- Sodyum pirofosfatlar
- Sodyum tetraborat (boraks)
- Hidroksimetil- ve metil selüloz
- Üre
Bazen Dodigen 226 varlığında sert suyun bileşenlerinden birinin neden olduğu çökelme, genellikle küçük miktarlarda Genapol UD-079 ( Exosel UD 079 olarak Ataman Kimya' dan talep edebilirsiniz ) eklenmesiyle önlenebilir.
Ürün hemen hemen tüm pH aralığında kullanılabilir.
Dodigen 226 noniyonik ve katyonik deterjanlar ve nonilfenol etoksilatlar, triizobutilfenol etoksilatlar ve alkil etoksilatlar gibi ıslatıcı maddelerle uyumludur.
 Dodigen 226 şu şekilde deaktive edilir: yüksek oranda yoğunlaşmış polifosfatlar, kuvvetli bir şekilde susuz metasilikatlar, alkali kromatlar ve anyonik deterjanlar, ör. sabun, alkilbenzen sülfonatlar ve yağlı alkol sülfatlar.
Dodigen 226, hipoklorit, nitrik asit veya perkloratlar gibi güçlü oksitleyici maddelerle temas etmemelidir.

Yüzey Aktivitesi
Dodigen 226'nın sulu çözeltileri, suyun yüzey gerilimini aşağıdaki şekilde azaltır:
% 0,02 Dodigen 226 37 mN / m
% 0,1 Dodigen 226 34 mN / m
DIN 53 901'e göre 5,8 g / l Dodigen 226, 100 saniyelik bir ıslatma süresi verir. Islatma etkisi, Dodigen 226 ile Genapol UD-079 ( Exosel UD 079 olarak Ataman Kimya' dan talep edebilirsiniz )'u eşit miktarlarda birleştirerek önemli ölçüde geliştirilebilir.
Dodigen 226'nın temizleme etkisi, dezenfekte etmek için gereken küçük miktarlarda çok zayıftır. Bu nedenle, dezenfektan temizleyici formülasyonlara iyonik olmayan deterjanlar ve ıslatıcı ajanlar eklenmelidir.
Dodigen 226 kuvvetli köpükler. Köpüklenme az miktarda Antimussol FN ekleyerek engellenebilir.
Mikrobiyolojik Etkinlik
Dodigen 226 tipi dörtlü amonyum tuzları, gram pozitif bakterilere karşı alışılmadık derecede yüksek bakterisidal aktiviteye sahiptir; gram-negatif mikroorganizmalar da önemli ölçüde seyreltilmiş biçimde Dodigen 226 tarafından yok edilir.
Gram negatif bakterilere (örn., E. coli, Ps. Aeruginosa) karşı bakterisidal aktivite, yaklaşık olarak 1: 3 oranında Dodigen 226'ya hindistancevizi yağlı amin tuzları eklenerek önemli ölçüde artırılabilir.

Bir deodorant etkisi basitçe mikrobiyal büyümenin engellenmesiyle elde edilir ve bu da kötü kokulu metabolik ürünlerin oluşumunu engeller. Dodigen 226 ayrıca bazı koku oluşturan maddeleri de absorbe edebilir.
Dodigen 226'nın mikrobiyolojik etkinliği birkaç başka faktörden etkilenir. Sıcaklığı ve pH'ı artırarak ve daha uzun maruz kalma süreleri ile güçlendirilir ve çok sert suyla bir dereceye kadar azaltılabilir.
Bununla birlikte, sert suyun etkisi, kenetleme maddelerinin eklenmesiyle önlenebilir.
Dezenfekte edilecek nesneler ciddi şekilde kirlenirse, herhangi bir dezenfektanın etkinliği bozulur. Mümkün olan her yerde, bu tür nesneler önce Genapol UD-079 ( Exosel UD 079 olarak Ataman Kimya' dan talep edebilirsiniz ) bazlı deterjanlar veya temizleyicilerle temizlenmelidir.
Tekstil ürünlerindeki protein lekeleri en iyi şekilde enzimatik bir deterjanla çıkarılır.

 DODIGEN 226: Cocos alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride aq.; Alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride; Cas no :68391-01-5; Carbon chain: C12-C18
Application: Hard surface cleaning + Toilet & hygienic cleaning
Product Description: Cost‐effective, compatible with nonionic/cationic detergents and wetting agents
Chemical Description: Cocos alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride aq.
Appearance : Liquid    50%

Composition: Cocos alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride
Product properties *)
Active substance content: about 50%
Mean equivalent weight of active ingredient: 364 g/mol
Free amine and amine hydrochoride: max. 1,0%
Water content: about 50%
Appearance at 20°C: yellowish liquid
Density at 20°C (DIN 51757): about 0,98 g/cm³
pH of 1 % aqueous solution: 6 - 7
Solubility at 20 °C
soluble in water, alcohols and ketones

Dodigen 226 can be combined with the following builder substances:
- Sodium sulphate
- Sodium carbonate
- Sodium acetate
- Sodium metasilicate * 9 H2O
- Sodium orthophosphates
- Sodium pyrophosphates
- Sodium tetraborate (borax)
- Hydroxymethyl- and methyl cellulose
- Urea
Precipitation, sometimes caused by one of the
constituents of hard water in the presence of Dodigen
226, can often be prevented by the addition of small
amounts of Genapol UD-079 ( Exosel UD 079 olarak Ataman Kimya' dan talep edebilirsiniz ). The product can be used
over almost the entire pH-range.
Dodigen 226 is compatible with nonionic and cationic
detergents and wetting agents such as nonylphenol
ethoxylates, triisobutylphenol ethoxylates and alkyl
As cationic compound Dodigen 226 is deactivated by
highly condensed polyphosphates, strongly dehydrated
metasilicates, alkali chromates and anionic detergents,
e.g. soap, alkylbenzene sulphonates and fatty alcohol
Dodigen 226 should not come into contact with strong
oxidizing agents such as hypochlorite, nitric acid or

Surface Activity
Aqueous solutions of Dodigen 226 reduce the surface
tension of water as follows:
0,02% Dodigen 226 37 mN/m
0,1% Dodigen 226 34 mN/m
According to DIN 53 901 5,8 g/l Dodigen 226 give a
wetting time of 100 seconds. The wetting effect can be
considerably improved by combining Dodigen 226 with
Genapol UD-079 ( Exosel UD 079 olarak Ataman Kimya' dan talep edebilirsiniz ) in equal quantities.
The cleaning action of Dodigen 226 is only very weak in
the small amounts required for disinfecting. Nonionic
detergents and wetting agents should therefore be added
to disinfectant cleaner formulations.
Dodigen 226 foams strongly. Foaming can be inhibited
by adding small amount of Antimussol FN.
Microbiological Effectiveness
Quarternary ammonium salts of the Dodigen 226 type
have unusually high bactericidal activity against grampositive
bacteria; gram-negative microorganisms are
also destroyed by Dodigen 226 in considerably diluted
The bactericidal activity against gram-negative bacteria
(e.g. E. coli, Ps. aeruginosa) can be considerably
increased by adding coconut fatty amine salts to
Dodigen 226, approximately in the ratio 1 : 3.
The following table gives the minimum germicidal
concentration for a number of bacteria and fungi used
as test microbes in accordance with the guidelines for

chemical disinfectants issued by the DLG
(Deutsche Landwirtschaftsgemeinschaft / German
Agricultural Society) and the DGHM (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Microbiologie / German
Society for Hygiene and Microbiology):
Bactericidal and fungicidal activity of Dodigen 226
at room temperature
Test strain 30 min. 60 min. 24 hrs. 48 hrs.
Staph. Aureus 15,6 mg/l 7,8 mg/l
E. coli 7,8 mg/l 7,8 mg/l
Ps. aeruginosa 15,6 mg/l 15,6 mg/l
Proteus vulgaris 7,8 mg/l 7,8 mg/l
Candida albicans 7,8 mg/l 7,8 mg/l
100 mg/l 25 mg/l 12,5 mg/l
50 mg/l 6,3 mg/l < 3,1 mg/l
50 mg/l 6,3 mg/l < 3,1 mg/l
12,5 mg/l 6,3 mg/l < 3,1 mg/l
12,5 mg/l 12,5 mg/l < 3,1 mg/l
Algicidal activity (after 14 days): < 3,9 mg/l
Growth can be inhibited by considerably lower
concentrations. For example, Dodigen 226 has a
bacteriostatic effect on Staph. aureus even at
concentrations of 10 mg/l.
A deodorant effect is achieved simply by inhibiting
microbial growth which in turn prevents the formation of
malodorous metabolic products. Dodigen 226 is also
capable of absorbing some odour - forming substances.
The microbiological effectiveness of Dodigen 226 is
influenced by several other factors. It is enhanced by
increasing the temperature and pH and longer periods of
exposure and may be reduced to some extent by very
hard water. However, the effect of hard water can be
counteracted by the addition of sequestring agents.
The effectiveness of any disinfectant is impaired if the
objects to be disinfected are severely soiled. Wherever
possible such objects should first be cleaned with
detergents or cleaners based on Genapol UD-079 ( Exosel UD 079 olarak Ataman Kimya' dan talep edebilirsiniz ).
Protein stains on textiles are best removed by an
enzymatic detergent.
In the case of serious disinfection problems (in the
presence of small amounts of deactivators), a minimum
concentration of 0,1% Dodigen 226 is recommended.
The minimum bactericidal concentrations determined
with pure Dodigen 226 solutions cannot always be
applied to disinfectant cleaner formulated with several
Quarternary ammonium salts are labeled as non-irritant
on skin in the usual application concentrations of 0,2 – 1
g/l active substance. The acute lethal dose LD50,
determined with rats, is about 1000 mg/kg body weight.
It is advisable to rinse equipment used in the food
industry with water after disinfecting with Dodigen 226.
It is not permissible to add Dodigen 226 to foodstuffs.

Manufacture of Disinfectants
A powder or flake preparation with up to 30% active
ingredient but containing no other detergents or builders
can be obtained by mixing equal quantities of Dodigen
226 and urea in a mixer or on a roller mill. The water
content of Dodigen 226 partially evaporates during
grinding or must be removed, if necessary, by a drying
Disinfectant cleaners in powder form
Preparation which contain detergents and builders in
addition to Dodigen 226 can be prepared with sodium
tripolyphosphate / sodium pyrophosphate according to
the following guide formulation:
5–10% Dodigen 226
5% nonionic surfactant
10% water
30% sodium tripolyphosphate or sodium
The above products are pasted together and harden
within 10 to 20 hours. They can be mixed with further
builder substances or extenders.
Liquid products
The following guide formulation give a liquid disinfectant
cleaner: 1-20% Dodigen 226

1-20% nonionic surfactant
small amounts of alkalis,
perfume components,
complexing agents,
remainder water
Paste preparations
By using more than 30% nonionic detergents the
formulation gives a pasty product:
5-10 % Dodigen 226
30-40 % Genapol OA-080
small amounts of other additives
remainder water
Packaging of disinfectant cleaners
Dilute aqueous solutions of Dodigen 226 are no more
corrosive towards metals than is water with the same
pH. However the liquid products should be packed in
polyethylene containers to prevent contamination by

Cocos alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride
R = mainly C10/C18
Product properties *)
Concentration [%]: approx. 50
Chain distribution of the alkyl group
C8 – C10 = ca. 14%
C12 = 50%
C14 = 19%
C16 = 17%
Mean equivalent weight of active ingredient: approx. 362
Appearance: liquid
Free amine and amine hydrochloride content [%]: max. 0.5
Iodine colour number: max. 2

pH value (1% a.i. in water)
6.0 – 7.0
Water (Karl Fischer method) [%]
approx. 50
Dodigen 226 is the traditional workhorse of the disinfectant
industry. While it uses existing technology, it
proves to be highly effective, convenient to use and
when correctly formulated, is very cost effective with
QAC concentrations of 2000 ppm. It is required to
pass the TGA tests under the Hospital Dirty Conditions
Dodigen 226 can be stored for at least to 2 years in
original sealed sontainers at room temperature under
the recommended conditions.
Protect from exposure to cold during transport and
storage. The properties of Dodigen 226 are reversibly
altered by exposure to cold. If Dodigen 226 becomes
turbid, thickens or freezes through exposure to cold,
thaw slowly at room temperature and afterwards stir briefly.
Ataman Kimya A.Ş. © 2015 Tüm Hakları Saklıdır.