1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


Orto-ftalaldehit (OPA), Ekim 1999`da FDA izni almış yüksek seviyeli bir dezenfektandır. En az% 0,55 1,2-benzendikarboksaldehit veya OPA içerir ve yüksek düzeylerde en yaygın kullanılan "aldehit" olarak glutaraldehitin yerini almıştır. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri`nde seviye dezenfeksiyon. OPA çözeltisi, pH`ı 7.5 olan berrak, soluk mavi bir sıvıdır. OPA`nın avantajları, dezavantajları ve özellikleri Tablo 301-2`de listelenmiştir.

Kimyasal sterilant ( dezenfeksiyon) alanında, ftalaldehit, glutaraldehit ile karşılaştırıldığında, gözleri ve nazal geçişleri tahriş etmez, ancak geniş bir pH aralığında (3-9) mükemmel stabiliteye sahiptir, bu, maruziyetin izlenmesi gerektirmez ve zar zor algılanabilir bir kokuya sahiptir. Ancak ftaldialdehit, korunmasız cilt dahil proteinleri griye boyar. Bu nedenle, kontamine aletler, kontamine ekipman ve kimyasallarla çalışırken eldiven, göz koruması, sıvıya dayanıklı önlükler kullanılarak ele alınmalıdır.

Saf orto-ftalaldehite nadiren rastlanır. Dezenfektan olarak kullanıldığında, yaklaşık% 0,55 konsantrasyona sahip sulu bir çözelti formunda gelir. Ticari solüsyonlar, sitrik asit ve fosfatlar, koruyucular ve renklendiriciler gibi pH`larını stabilize etmeye yardımcı olan katkı maddeleri içerir.

Kullanım ve emisyon kaynakları:

Orto-ftalaldehit, öncelikle endoskoplar gibi dental veya tıbbi aletler için yüksek verimli kimyasal dezenfektan olarak kullanılır. Genellikle glutaraldehite göre daha güvenli bir alternatif olarak kabul edilir.

Ayrıca laboratuvarda birincil aminlerin ve tiyollerin florometrik analizleri için bir reaktif olarak kullanılır.

Ftalaldehit (bazen o-ftalaldehit veya orto-ftalaldehit, OPA), C6H4 (CHO) 2 formülüne sahip kimyasal bileşiktir. Ftalik asitle ilgili üç benzen dikarbaldehit izomerinden biridir. Bu soluk sarı katı, heterosiklik bileşiklerin sentezinde bir yapı taşı ve amino asitlerin analizinde bir reaktiftir. OPA, pH <11.5 olan su çözeltisinde çözünür. Çözeltileri, UV aydınlatması ve havaya maruz kalması üzerine bozulur.


OPA, kapiler elektroforez ve kromatografi ile özellikle proteinlerde, peptidlerde ve amino asitlerde bulunan solüsyondaki aminleri veya sülfhidrilleri test etmek için çok hassas bir floresan reaktifinde kullanılır. OPA, tiyollerin varlığında izoelektrik noktası Pi`nin üzerindeki birincil aminlerle spesifik olarak reaksiyona girer. OPA ayrıca n-propilamin veya 2-aminoetanol gibi bir amin varlığında tiyollerle reaksiyona girer. Yöntem spektrometriktir (330-390 nm`de (maks. 340 nm) eksitasyon ile 436-475 nm`de (maks. 455 nm) floresan emisyon).

O-Ftalaldehit (OPA), birincil aminlerle floresan konjugasyon ürünleri oluşturan kimyasal bir reaktiftir. Vücut sıvılarında nanogram miktarlarında birçok biyojenik amin, peptit ve proteinin tespiti için kullanılır. O-Ftalaldehit, belirli böbrek ve metabolik hastalıkların tanı ve tedavisi için kan üre nitrojenini (BUN) tespit etmek için test sistemlerinde kullanılmak üzere FDA tarafından onaylanmıştır. OPA aynı zamanda bilinen bir dezenfektandır ve ısıya duyarlı tıbbi aletlerin yüksek seviyede sterilizasyonu için onaylanmıştır ve sağlık sektöründe glutaraldehit yerine giderek daha fazla kullanılmaktadır. OPA ayrıca bir iç mekan antimikrobiyal pestisit olarak kullanım için onaylanmıştır; farmasötiklerin, ilaçların ve diğer organik bileşiklerin sentezi için bir ara ürün.


OPA, genellikle Cidex OPA veya TD-8 markaları altında satılan tıbbi aletler için yüksek seviye dezenfektan olarak kullanılır. OPA ile dezenfeksiyon, spekül, laringeal aynalar ve dahili ultrason probları gibi mukoza zarları veya kırık deri ile temas eden yarı kritik aletler için endikedir.

Poli (ftalaldehit)

OPA polimerize edilebilir. Polimerde, oksijen atomlarından biri aynı ftalaldehit biriminin diğer halka olmayan karbonuna bir köprü oluştururken, diğeri başka bir ftalaldehit biriminin halka olmayan karbonuna köprüler. Poli (ftalaldehit), bir fotorezist yapımında kullanılır.

Şarap yapımında

O-Phthaldialdehyde Assay (NOPA) yoluyla Azot, fermantasyonu başarıyla tamamlamak için şarap mayasının ihtiyaç duyduğu maya asimile edilebilir nitrojeni (veya YAN) ölçmek için şarap yapımında kullanılan yöntemlerden biridir.


Ortho-phthalaldehyde: Yüksek seviye dezenfeksiyon için glutaraldehide olası bir alternatif !!!

Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), glutaraldehite dirençli mikobakteriler, Bacillus subtilis sporları ve kaplama kusurlu sporlar dahil olmak üzere bir dizi organizmaya karşı test edilmiştir. Glutaraldehit (glutaraldehit) ve perasetik asit (PAA) karşılaştırma amacıyla test edildi. Hem süspansiyon hem de taşıyıcı testleri, çeşitli konsantrasyonlar ve maruz kalma süreleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirildi. Süspansiyon testlerinde her üç biyosit de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus ve Pseudomonas aeruginosa`ya karşı çok etkiliydi (5 log azalma). OPA ve glutaraldehit (PAA test edilmedi) da Staph`a karşı çok etkiliydi. aureus ve Ps. taşıyıcı testlerinde aeruginosa. OPA, iki glutaraldehite dirençli suş dahil test edilen mikobakterilere karşı iyi aktivite gösterdi, ancak% 0 · 5 w / v OPA`nın sporisidal olmadığı bulundu. Bununla birlikte, daha yüksek konsantrasyonlarda ve pH değerlerinde sınırlı aktivite bulundu. Kaplamada kusurlu sporlar OPA`ya daha duyarlıydı, bu da kaplamanın bu dirençten sorumlu olabileceğini düşündürdü. Bu çalışmanın bulguları, OPA`nın glutaraldehite dirençli mikobakterilere karşı etkili olduğunu ve yüksek seviyeli dezenfeksiyon için glutaraldehide uygun bir alternatif olduğunu göstermektedir.




Glutaraldehit (glutaraldehyde), 30 yılı aşkın bir süredir dezenfekte / sterilize edici ajan olarak kullanılmaktadır (Russell 1994). Alkalin glutaraldehyde (% 2 h / h) geniş bir aktivite yelpazesine ve hızlı antimikrobiyal etkiye sahiptir, ayrıca metaller, kauçuk ve lensler için aşındırıcı değildir. Bununla birlikte, potansiyel mutajenik ve kanserojen etkiler (Hugo & Russell 1999) yanı sıra cilt ve göz tahrişi ve solunum bozuklukları (Russell 1994) bildirilmiştir. Personel için risk ve glutaraldehyde`ya dirençli Mycobacterium chelonae`nin artan sıklığı (Griffiths ve diğerleri 1998a), değiştirme ihtiyacını vurgulamıştır.


glutaraldehyde`ya olası bir alternatif orto-ftalaldehittir (OPA). OPA halihazırda amino asit analizinde kullanılmaktadır (Carlomagno ve diğerleri 1985; Blundell & Brydon 1987), ancak% 0-5 (w / v) OPA`nın da bakterisidal olduğu gösterilmiştir. 100 endoskopun dezenfeksiyonunda değerlendirildiğinde, OPA`nın aktivasyon olmadan etkili olduğu ve 14 günlük bir kullanım döngüsü boyunca stabil olduğu bulunmuştur (Alfa & Sitter 1994). Mikobakterisidal aktivite de M. bovis`e karşı% 0 · 2 OPA`ya 5 dakika maruz kaldıktan sonra 5 log azalma ile gösterilmiştir (Roberts & Chan ‐ Myers 1998).


Bir başka olası glutaraldehyde alternatifi perasetik asittir (PAA). PAA, 1955`te antibakteriyel bir ajan olarak tanıtıldı; bakteriler, sporlar, küfler, mayalar, algler ve virüsler dahil geniş bir aktivite yelpazesine sahiptir (Hugo & Russell 1999). PAA güçlü bir oksitleyici ajandır ve bazı metaller için aşındırıcı olabilir. Bununla birlikte, ticari formülasyonlar kullanılarak korozif sorunlar azaltılabilir ve 13 aylık PAA kullanımı, Steris sistemini kullanan esnek endoskoplarda açıkça görünür korozyon belirtileri göstermez (DiagMed Ltd, Norby, UK Sayfa: 2Au: Lütfen şirket ayrıntılarını / adresini belirtin) ( Mannion 1995). Asetik asit, PAA ve hidrojen peroksitten oluşan bir denge karışımı olan `Nu-Cidex`in, ilaca dirençli Mycobacterium tuberculosis ve M. avium-intracellulare izolatları dahil olmak üzere hızla mikobakterisidal olduğu gösterilmiştir (Holton ve ark. . 1995).


Bu çalışma, OPA`nın bir dizi aside hızlı olmayan, sporlaşmayan organizmalara, glutaraldehyde`ya duyarlı ve dirençli mikobakterilere ve B. subtilis sporlarına karşı biyosidal özelliklerini araştırmak için başlatılmıştır. Biyositlerin aktivitesini değerlendirmek için bir süspansiyon testi ve bir taşıyıcı testi kullanıldı; Bu, süspansiyon testlerinde yüksek aktiviteye sahip dezenfektanların kontamine yüzeyler üzerinde zorunlu olarak aktif olmadığı gösterildiğinden, gerekli görülmüştür (Best ve diğerleri, 1988). Üre / ditiyotreitol / sodyum lauril sülfat (UDS), pH 10 · 3 ile muamele edilen sporlar da kullanıldı. Proteinin spor kaplamasından çıkarılmasının B. subtilis`in alkalin glutaraldehyde`ya duyarlılığını dramatik bir şekilde arttırdığı gösterilmiştir (Gorman ve diğerleri 1984) ve aynı etkinin OPA ile de meydana gelebileceği düşünülmüştür. OPA aktivitesini değerlendirmek için glutaraldehyde ve PAA ile karşılaştırmalar yapıldı.



Bu deneylerde büyük günlük azalmalarını ölçmek için gereken yüksek sayıda bakteri olmasına rağmen, test edilen üç biyositin de asit hızlı olmayan spor yapmayan organizmalara karşı çok etkili olduğu görüldü. OPA, diğer iki biyosit gibi, kullanımda tavsiye edilen% 0 · 5 (a / h) konsantrasyonundan çok daha düşük konsantrasyonlarda hala çok etkiliydi ve hem Gram-negatif hem de Gram-pozitif test bakterilerine karşı eşit derecede etkiliydi.


Test edilen organizma sayısındaki artış nedeniyle, süspansiyon testleri ile taşıyıcı testlerinin sonuçları arasında doğrudan bir karşılaştırma yapılamadı. Bununla birlikte, OPA ve glutaraldehyde`nın her iki konsantrasyonu, her iki test organizmasına karşı yalnızca 10 dakikalık maruz kalma süresiyle ve% 0 · 5 (a / h) ve 2`lik önerilen kullanım sırasında konsantrasyonlarla hala etkiliydi (≥ 5 log azalma) OPA ve glutaraldehyde için sırasıyla% (v / v) etkiliydi



Ortho‐phthalaldehyde: a possible alternative to glutaraldehyde for high level disinfection !!!

Ortho‐phthalaldehyde (OPA) was tested against a range of organisms including glutaraldehyde‐resistant mycobacteria, Bacillus subtilis spores and coat‐defective spores. Glutaraldehyde (glutaraldehyde) and peracetic acid (PAA) were tested for comparative purposes. Both suspension and carrier tests were performed using a range of concentrations and exposure times. All three biocides were very effective (≥ 5 log reduction) against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in suspension tests. OPA and glutaraldehyde (PAA was not tested) were also very effective against Staph. aureus and Ps. aeruginosa in carrier tests. OPA showed good activity against the mycobacteria tested including the two glutaraldehyde‐resistant strains, but 0·5% w/v OPA was found not to be sporicidal. However, limited activity was found with higher concentrations and pH values. Coat‐defective spores were more susceptible to OPA, suggesting that the coat may be responsible for this resistance. The findings of this study suggest that OPA is effective against glutaraldehyde‐resistant mycobacteria and that it is a viable alternative to glutaraldehyde for high level disinfection.




Glutaraldehyde (glutaraldehyde) has been used as a disinfecting/ sterilizing agent for over 30 years ( Russell 1994). Alkaline glutaraldehyde (2% v/v) has a broad range of activity and rapid antimicrobial action as well being non‐corrosive to metals, rubber and lenses. However, potential mutagenic and carcinogenic effects have been reported ( Hugo & Russell 1999) as well as skin and eye irritation and respiratory disorders ( Russell 1994). The risk to personnel and the increasing frequency of glutaraldehyde‐resistant Mycobacterium chelonae ( Griffiths et al. 1998a ) has highlighted the need for a replacement.


One possible alternative to glutaraldehyde is ortho‐phthalaldehyde (OPA). OPA is already used in amino acid analysis ( Carlomagno et al. 1985 ; Blundell & Brydon 1987) but 0·5% (w/v) OPA has also been demonstrated to be bactericidal. When assessed in the disinfection of 100 endoscopes, OPA was found to be effective without activation and was stable over a 14‐day usage cycle (Alfa & Sitter 1994). Mycobactericidal activity has also been demonstrated against M. bovis with a 5 log reduction after 5 min exposure to 0·2% OPA ( Roberts & Chan‐Myers 1998).


Another possible glutaraldehyde alternative is peracetic acid (PAA). PAA was introduced as an antibacterial agent in 1955; it has a broad spectrum of activity including bacteria, spores, moulds, yeasts, algae and viruses ( Hugo & Russell 1999 ). PAA is a powerful oxidizing agent and can be corrosive to some metals. However, corrosive problems can be reduced by using commercial formulations and 13 months usage of PAA gave no overtly visible signs of corrosion of flexible endoscopes using the Steris system (DiagMed Ltd, Norby, UKPage: 2Au: Please supply company details/address of ) ( Mannion 1995). ‘Nu‐Cidex’, an equilibrium mixture of acetic acid, PAA, and hydrogen peroxide has been shown to be rapidly mycobactericidal, including against drug‐resistant isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. avium‐intracellulare, after only 5 min ( Holton et al. 1995 ).


This study was initiated to investigate the biocidal properties of OPA against a range of non‐acid‐fast non‐sporulating organisms, glutaraldehyde‐sensitive and resistant mycobacteria and B. subtilis spores. A suspension test and a carrier test were used to evaluate the activity of the biocides; this was considered necessary as it has been shown that disinfectants with high activity in suspension tests are not necessarily as active on contaminated surfaces ( Best et al. 1988 ). Spores treated with urea/dithiothreitol/sodium lauryl sulphate (UDS), pH 10·3, were also used. The removal of protein from the spore coat has been shown to dramatically increase the sensitivity of B. subtilis to alkaline glutaraldehyde ( Gorman et al. 1984 ) and the same effect was thought likely to occur with OPA. Comparisons with glutaraldehyde and PAA were carried out to assess OPA activity.


Despite the high number of bacteria needed to measure large log reductions in these experiments, all three biocides tested were shown to be very effective against non‐acid‐fast nonsporulating organisms. OPA, like the other two biocides, was still very effective at concentrations far lower than its recommended in‐use concentration of 0·5% (w/v) and was equally effective against both the Gram‐negative and Gram‐positive test bacteria.


Due to the increase in the number of organisms tested, a direct comparison between the results of the suspension tests and carrier tests could not be drawn. However, both concentrations of OPA and glutaraldehyde were still effective (≥ 5 log reduction) with only 10 min of exposure time against both of the test organisms, and the recommended in‐use concentrations of 0·5% (w/v) and 2% (v/v) for OPA and glutaraldehyde, respectively, were effective within 2 min. Therefore, it can be concluded that drying of these test organisms did not significantly impair the action of either OPA or glutaraldehyde despite the increased cell numbers.


Due to the worrying increase in isolation of glutaraldehyde‐resistant M. chelonae from washer disinfectors and processed endoscopes ( Griffiths et al. 1998a ), it was encouraging to note a lack of cross‐resistance to OPA in the two glutaraldehyde‐resistant washer isolates tested. OPA (0·5 w/v) and 2% (v/v) alkaline glutaraldehyde were also very effective against M. terrae NCTC 10856, which has been suggested as a possible surrogate testing organism for M. tuberculosis, although M. avium‐intracellulare was found to be more resistant ( Griffiths et al. 1998b ). The other two M. chelonae strains tested were sensitive to both biocides, although glutaraldehyde was slightly more effective against M. chelonae var. abscessus. The rapid action of glutaraldehyde against M. chelonae NCTC 946 ( Jettéet al. 1995 ; Lynam et al. 1995 ) was confirmed with a ≥ 6 log reduction within 1 min of exposure.


The sporicidal activity of glutaraldehyde was confirmed with the same 3 h exposure time found in other studies ( Russell 1990). The lack of any sporicidal effect with 0·5% (w/v) OPA seemed to be connected with the spore coat as there was a large increase in activity when coat‐defective (UDS‐treated) spores were tested. Raising the pH of OPA to 8 increased its efficacy but not to the levels seen with 2% (v/v) alkaline glutaraldehyde. Increasing the concentration of the OPA as well as the pH did produce sporicidal activity, although OPA took longer (preparation of 2% w/v OPA was aided by warming) to dissolve at these higher concentrations.


In conclusion, 0·5% (w/v) OPA is considered to be a viable alternative to glutaraldehyde for high level disinfection where, by definition, the compound need not have a lethal action against high levels of bacterial spores ( Russell 1994; Rutala & Weber 1995). OPA should not be used in situations where sterilization is required, but it might be particularly useful in washer systems where glutaraldehyde‐resistant organisms have developed.



The authors thank Prof. S.A. Sattar and Dr V.S. Springthorpe of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Ottawa, for their help with the carrier test design. They are also grateful for the financial support of Johnson & Johnson, USA, in providing a research studentship (to S.E.W.).



Comparison between Glutaraldehyde and Ortho-Phthalaldehyde Air Levels during Endoscopic Procedures

Author links open overlay panelC.Marena∗L.LodolaR.LodiL.Zambianchi

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2004.04.062Get rights and content


BACKGROUND: Glutaraldehyde (glutaraldehyde) has been used as a disinfecting agent for over 30 years, but irritative effects on the skin and respiratory tract have been described. The risk to healthcare personnel and emerging of glutaraldehyde-resistant microorganisms have highlighted the need to develop new agents. One possible alternative to glutaraldehyde is ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), which has a similar capacity to kill bacteria and a very good toxicological profile.


OBJECTIVE: To compare air levels of glutaraldehyde and OPA during high-level disinfection of endoscopes.


METHODS: The comparative study was carried out in ten endoscopy units of the San Matteo Hospital, where glutaraldehyde and OPA were routinely used for the low-temperature disinfection of endoscopes. glutaraldehyde and OPA were used under the same operating procedures and for the same exposure time (4 hours). The monitoring of air levels was performed with both HPLC-UV (High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection) and Infrared Spectroscopy (IR).


RESULTS: The HPLC method gave a much lower aldheyde value when using OPA (8.4 mg/m3) compared to that obtained when glutaraldehyde was used to disinfect endoscopes (21279.3 mg/m3). These results were confirmed with IR detection method (the mean values being below 10 mg/m3). In addition, we studied the resistance of various glove types to OPA. Tests showed that OPA-permeated vinyl gloves more rapidly (26628 ng/cm2 per hour) than nitrile gloves (13.9 ng/cm2 per hour).


CONCLUSION: This study showed a very low air concentration of OPA compared to glutaraldehyde. These findings confirm the excellent safety profile of OPA used as a high-level disinfectant in the hospital setting.


Cas no: 643-79-8;PHTHALALDEHYDE;PHTHARAL; o-Phthaldialdehyde; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde; Phthalic aldehyde; Phthalic dialdehyde; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; Phthalyldicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthaldehyde; benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde; Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthalaldialdehyde; o-Phthalicdicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Diformylbenzene; 2-PHTHALALDEHYDE


In chemical sterilant field, phthalaldehyde, compare with glutaraldehyde, is not irritant to the eyes and nasal passages but has excellent stability over a wide range of pH (3-9), which does not require exposure monitoring, and has a barely perceptible odor. But phthaldialdehyde stains proteins gray including unprotected skin. Thus, it must be handled with use of gloves, eye protection, fluid-resistant gowns when handling contaminated instruments, contaminated equipment, and chemicals.

Pure ortho-phthalaldehyde is rarely encountered. When used as a disinfectant, it comes in the form of an aqueous solution with a concentration of approximately 0.55%. Commercial solutions contain additives that help stabilize their pH, such as citric acid and phosphates, preservatives and colorants.


Use and sources of emission:

Ortho-phthalaldehyde is primarily used as a high-efficiency chemical disinfectant for dental or medical instruments, such as endoscopes. It is often considered a safer alternative to glutaraldehyde.


It is also used in the laboratory, as a reagent for fluorometric analyzes of primary amines and thiols.


Phthalaldehyde (sometimes also o-phthalaldehyde or ortho-phthalaldehyde, OPA) is the chemical compound with the formula C6H4(CHO)2. It is one of three isomers of benzene dicarbaldehyde, related to phthalic acid. This pale yellow solid is a building block in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and a reagent in the analysis of amino acids. OPA dissolves in water solution at pH < 11.5. Its solutions degrade upon UV illumination and exposure to air.


Phthalaldehyde (sometimes also o-phthalaldehyde or ortho-phthalaldehyde, OPA) is the chemical compound with the formula C6H4(CHO)2. It is one of three isomers of benzene dicarbaldehyde, related to phthalic acid. This pale yellow solid is a building block in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and a reagent in the analysis of amino acids. OPA dissolves in water solution at pH < 11.5. Its solutions degrade upon UV illumination and exposure to air.



CAS NO. 643-79-8



EINECS NO.: 211-402-2

FORMULA: C6H4-1,2-(CHO)2

MOL WT.: 134.12


SYNONYMS: 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; 2-Formylbenzaldehyde;1,2-Benzenedialdehyde; 1,2-Phthalic Dicarboxyaldehyde; OPA; PA; Phtalaldehydes (French);



PHYSICAL STATE: Light yellow crystalline powder



Health: 2 ; Flammability: 1 ; Reactivity: 0



o-Phthalaldehyde Properties

Melting point:55-58 °C(lit.)

Boiling point:83-84 °C (0.7501 mmHg)

Density 1.13

refractive index 1.4500 (estimate)

Flash point:>230 °F

storage temp. 2-8°C

solubility The solubility of o-phthalaldehyde is 3g/100 mL diisopropyl ether, 5g/100mL deionized water, 20g/100mL chloroform, or 20g/100mL acetone at 20°C.


color: yellow

Stability:Stable. Air sensitive. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong bases.

NIST Chemistry Reference: O-phthalaldehyde(643-79-8)

EPA Substance Registry System: 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde (643-79-8)




STABILITY: Stable under ordinary conditions



Phthalaldehyde is used as a disinfectant and as a tanning agent in leather industry. It is useful for the sterilization of endoscopic instruments, thermometers, rubber and plastic equipment which cannot be sterilized by heating system. It is also used as an intermediate in synthesis of pharmaceuticals, medicines, and other organic compounds.





Light yellow crystalline powder

PURITY: 99.0% min


WATER: 0.5% max


UN NO.: 1759

REMARKS: In chemical sterilant field, phthalaldehyde, compare with glutaraldehyde, is not irritant to the eyes and nasal passages but has excellent stability over a wide range of pH (3-9), which does not require exposure monitoring, and has a barely perceptible odor. But phthaldialdehyde stains proteins gray including unprotected skin. Thus, it must be handled with use of gloves, eye protection, fluid-resistant gowns when handling contaminated instruments, contaminated equipment, and chemicals.




Synthesis and reactions

The compound was first described in 1887 when it was prepared from α,α,α’,α’-tetrachloro-ortho-xylene. A more modern synthesis is similar: the hydrolysis of the related tetrabromoxylene using potassium oxalate, followed by purification by steam distillation.


The reactivity of OPA is complicated by the fact that in water it forms both a mono- and dihydrate, C6H4(CHO)(CH(OH)2) and C6H4(CH(OH))2O, respectively. Its reactions with nucleophiles often involves the reaction of both carbonyl groups




OPA is used in a very sensitive fluorescent reagent for assaying amines or sulfhydryls in solution, notably contained in proteins, peptides, and amino acids, by capillary electrophoresis and chromatography. OPA reacts specifically with primary amines above their isoelectric point Pi in presence of thiols. OPA reacts also with thiols in presence of an amine such as n-propylamine or 2-aminoethanol. The method is spectrometric (fluorescent emission at 436-475 nm (max 455 nm) with excitation at 330-390 nm (max. 340 nm)).

O-Phthalaldehyde (OPA) is a chemical reagent that forms fluorescent conjugation products with primary amines. It is used for the detection of many biogenic amines, peptides, and proteins in nanogram quantities in body fluids. O-Phthalaldehyde is approved by FDA for use in test systems to detect blood urea nitrogen (BUN) for the diagnosis and treatment of certain renal and metabolic diseases. OPA is also a known desinfectant and has been approved for high-level sterilization of heat-sensitive medical instruments and is increasingly being used as a replacement in the healthcare industry for glutaraldehyde. OPA has also been approved for use as an indoor antimicrobial pesticide; an intermediate for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, medicines, and other organic compounds.




OPA is commonly used as a high-level disinfectant for medical instruments, commonly sold under the brand names of Cidex OPA or TD-8. Disinfection with OPA is indicated for semi-critical instruments that come into contact with mucous membranes or broken skin, such as specula, laryngeal mirrors, and internal ultrasound probes.



OPA can be polymerized. In the polymer, one of the oxygen atoms forms a bridge to the other non-ring carbon of the same phthalaldehyde unit, while the other bridges to a non-ring carbon of another phthalaldehyde unit. Poly(phthalaldehyde) is used in making a photoresist.


In winemaking

The Nitrogen by O-Phthaldialdehyde Assay (NOPA) is one of the methods used in winemaking to measure yeast assimilable nitrogen (or YAN) needed by wine yeast in order to successfully complete fermentation.[9]



Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) is a high-level disinfectant that received FDA clearance in October 1999. It contains at least 0.55% 1,2-benzenedicarboxaldehyde or OPA, and it has supplanted glutaraldehyde as the most commonly used “aldehyde” for high-level disinfection in the United States. OPA solution is a clear, pale-blue liquid with a pH of 7.5. The advantages, disadvantages, and characteristics of OPA are listed in Table 301-2.


Studies have demonstrated excellent microbicidal activity in in vitro studies,74,75,93,111,147-152 including superior mycobactericidal activity (5-log10 reduction in 5 minutes) compared with glutaraldehyde. Walsh and colleagues also found OPA effective (>5-log10 reduction) against a wide range of microorganisms, including glutaraldehyde-resistant mycobacteria and Bacillus atrophaeus spores.150


OPA has several potential advantages compared with glutaraldehyde. It has excellent stability over a wide pH range (pH 3 to 9), is not a known irritant to the eyes and nasal passages, does not require exposure monitoring, has a barely perceptible odor, and requires no activation. OPA, like glutaraldehyde, has excellent material compatibility. A potential disadvantage of OPA is that it stains proteins gray (including unprotected skin) and thus must be handled with caution.93 However, skin staining would indicate improper handling that requires additional training and/or personal protective equipment (gloves, eye and mouth protection, fluid-resistant gowns). OPA residues remaining on inadequately water-rinsed transesophageal echocardiographic probes may leave stains on the patient`s mouth. Meticulous cleaning, use of the correct OPA exposure time (e.g., 12 minutes), and copious rinsing of the probe with water should eliminate this problem. Because OPA has been associated with several episodes of anaphylaxis after cystoscopy,153 the manufacturer has modified its instructions for use of OPA and contraindicates the use of OPA as a disinfectant for reprocessing all urologic instrumentation for patients with a history of bladder cancer. Personal protective equipment should be worn when handling contaminated instruments, equipment, and chemicals.148 In addition, equipment must be thoroughly rinsed to prevent discoloration of a patient`s skin or mucous membrane. The MEC of OPA is 0.3%, and that concentration is monitored by test strips designed specifically for the OPA solution. OPA exposure level monitoring found that the concentration during the disinfection process was significantly higher in the manual group (median, 1.43 ppb) than in the automatic group (median, 0.35 ppb). These findings corroborate other findings that show it is desirable to introduce automatic endoscope reprocessors to decrease disinfectant exposure levels among scope reprocessing technicians



Isomeric phthalaldehydes

Related to phthalaldehyde are:


isophthalaldehyde (benzene-1,3-dicarbaldehyde; m.p. 87–88 °C, CAS# 626-19-7)

terephthalaldehyde (benzene-1,4-dicarbaldehyde; m.p. 114–116 °C, CAS# 623-27-8)


IUPAC name: Phthalaldehyde

Preferred IUPAC name: Benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde

Other names: Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde

CAS Number: 643-79-8


ChemSpider: 4642 

ECHA InfoCard 100.010.367 



Chemical formula: C8H6O2

Molar mass: 134.134 g·mol−1

Appearance:Yellow solid

Density:1.19 g/mL

Melting point: 55.5 to 56 °C (131.9 to 132.8 °F; 328.6 to 329.1 K)

Boiling point: 266.1 °C (511.0 °F; 539.2 K)

Solubility in water: Low


Main hazards: Toxic, Irritant

R-phrases (outdated): R25 R34 R43 R50

S-phrases (outdated): S26 S36/37/39


o-Phthalaldehyde, vapor fraction


Phthalaldehyde.IUPAC names: 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde;o-Phthalaldehyde;o-Phthalaldehyde;Phthaldialdehyd;o-Phthalaldehyde;o-Phthaldialdehyde;643-79-8


Aldehyde, ortho-Phthalico Phthalaldehydeo Phthaldialdehydeo-Phthalaldehydeo-Phthaldialdehydeortho Phthalaldehydeortho Phthalic Aldehydeortho-Phthalaldehydeortho-Phthalic AldehydeOrthophthaldialdehyde






o-Phthalaldehyde [for HPLC Labeling]





Cas no: 643-79-8

PHTHALALDEHYDE;PHTHARAL; o-Phthaldialdehyde; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde; Phthalic aldehyde; Phthalic dialdehyde; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; Phthalyldicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthaldehyde; benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde; Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthalaldialdehyde

;o-Phthalicdicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Diformylbenzene; 2-PHTHALALDEHYDE









1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde

ortho Phthalaldehyde

o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde




Phtalaldehydes [French]


EINECS 211-402-2


1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde, 98+%



ortho-Phthalic Aldehyde



o-phthal aldehyde


Phtharal (JAN)

Disopa (TN)


Phthaldialdehyde Reagent





2-Phthaldehyde, High purity




Phthaldialdehyde Reagent, Solution Complete

Phthaldialdehyde Reagent, Solution Incomplete

Phthaldialdehyde, for fluorescence, >=99.0% (HPLC)



Phthaldialdehyde, >=97% (HPLC), powder (may contain lumps)

Phthaldialdehyde, suitable for HPLC fluorimetric detection of amino acids, >=99% (HPLC), powder




1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde [ACD/Index Name]

211-402-2 [EINECS]

4-07-00-02138 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]

643-79-8 [RN]

Benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Benzol-1,2-dicarbaldehyd [German]



Phtalaldéhyde [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Phthalaldehyd [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Phthalaldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]









68234-47-9 [RN]


CHEBI 70851



Disopa (TN)

MFCD00003335 [MDL number]





Phtalaldehydes [French]

Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde



Phtharal (JAN)




TH6950000 [RTECS]


オルトフタルアルデヒド [Japanese]
















Phthalic aldehyde

Phthalic dialdehyde

Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde














Formule moléculaire brute : C8H6O2


Principaux synonymes

Noms français :


1,2-Benzene dicarbonal










Noms anglais :



o-Phthalic aldehyde


L`ortho-phtalaldéhyde pur est rarement rencontré dans le milieu de travail. Lorsqu`il est utilisé comme désinfectant, il se présente sous forme de solution aqueuse dont la concentration est d`environ 0,55 %. Les solutions commerciales contiennent des additifs qui permettent d`en stabiliser le pH, tels que l`acide citrique et les phosphates, des agents de conservation et des colorants.


Utilisation et sources d`émission:

L`ortho-phtalaldéhyde est surtout utilisé comme désinfectant chimique à haute efficacité pour des instruments dentaires ou médicaux, comme les endoscopes. Il est souvent considéré comme une alternative plus sécuritaire au glutaraldéhyde.


Il est également employé en laboratoire, comme réactif pour les analyses fluorométriques d`amines primaires et de thiols.


IUPAC name: Phthalaldehyde

Preferred IUPAC name: Benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde

Other names: Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde

CAS Number: 643-79-8


ChemSpider: 4642 

ECHA InfoCard 100.010.367 



Chemical formula: C8H6O2

Molar mass: 134.134 g·mol−1

Appearance:Yellow solid

Density:1.19 g/mL

Melting point: 55.5 to 56 °C (131.9 to 132.8 °F; 328.6 to 329.1 K)

Boiling point: 266.1 °C (511.0 °F; 539.2 K)

Solubility in water: Low


Main hazards: Toxic, Irritant

R-phrases (outdated): R25 R34 R43 R50

S-phrases (outdated): S26 S36/37/39


o-Phthalaldehyde, vapor fraction


Phthalaldehyde.IUPAC names: 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde;o-Phthalaldehyde;o-Phthalaldehyde;Phthaldialdehyd;o-Phthalaldehyde;o-Phthaldialdehyde;643-79-8


Aldehyde, ortho-Phthalico Phthalaldehydeo Phthaldialdehydeo-Phthalaldehydeo-Phthaldialdehydeortho Phthalaldehydeortho Phthalic Aldehydeortho-Phthalaldehydeortho-Phthalic AldehydeOrthophthaldialdehyde






o-Phthalaldehyde [for HPLC Labeling]





Cas no: 643-79-8

PHTHALALDEHYDE;PHTHARAL; o-Phthaldialdehyde; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde; Phthalic aldehyde; Phthalic dialdehyde; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; Phthalyldicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthaldehyde; benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde; Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthalaldialdehyde

;o-Phthalicdicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Diformylbenzene; 2-PHTHALALDEHYDE









1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde

ortho Phthalaldehyde

o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde




Phtalaldehydes [French]


EINECS 211-402-2


1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde, 98+%



ortho-Phthalic Aldehyde



o-phthal aldehyde


Phtharal (JAN)

Disopa (TN)


Phthaldialdehyde Reagent





2-Phthaldehyde, High purity




Phthaldialdehyde Reagent, Solution Complete

Phthaldialdehyde Reagent, Solution Incomplete

Phthaldialdehyde, for fluorescence, >=99.0% (HPLC)



Phthaldialdehyde, >=97% (HPLC), powder (may contain lumps)

Phthaldialdehyde, suitable for HPLC fluorimetric detection of amino acids, >=99% (HPLC), powder




1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde [ACD/Index Name]

211-402-2 [EINECS]

4-07-00-02138 (Beilstein Handbook Reference) [Beilstein]

643-79-8 [RN]

Benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Benzol-1,2-dicarbaldehyd [German]



Phtalaldéhyde [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Phthalaldehyd [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]

Phthalaldehyde [ACD/IUPAC Name]









68234-47-9 [RN]


CHEBI 70851



Disopa (TN)

MFCD00003335 [MDL number]





Phtalaldehydes [French]

Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde



Phtharal (JAN)




TH6950000 [RTECS]


オルトフタルアルデヒド [Japanese]
















Phthalic aldehyde

Phthalic dialdehyde

Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde





Formule moléculaire brute : C8H6O2

Principaux synonymes

Noms français :

1,2-Benzene dicarbonal










Noms anglais :


o-Phthalic aldehyde



Cas No : 643-79-8 

O-Phthalaldehyde; O-Phthaldialdehyde; PHTHALALDEHYDE; 643-79-8; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Aldehyde, ortho-Phthalic; o Phthalaldehyde; o Phthaldialdehyde; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthaldialdehyde; ortho Phthalaldehyde; ortho Phthalic Aldehyde; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; ortho-Phthalic Aldehyde; Orthophthaldialdehyde; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthaldialdehyde; PHTHALALDEHYDE; 643-79-8; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde; Phthalic aldehyde; Phthalic dialdehyde; o-Phthaldehyde; Phthalyldicarboxaldehyde; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthalaldialdehyde; benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde; 1,2-Diformylbenzene; o-Phthalicdicarboxaldehyde; 2-PHTHALALDEHYDE; o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; orthoPhthalaldehyde; OPTA; 1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; OPA; CHEBI:70851; 1,2-BENZENEDICARBALDEHYDE; Phthaldialdehyde Reagent;Phtalaldehydes; NSC 13394; UNII-4P8QP9768A; ZWLUXSQADUDCSB-UHFFFAOYSA-N; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; 1,2-BENZENEDICARBALDEHYDE; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; 2-Phthalaldehyde; benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde;BENZENEDICARBOXALDEHYDE; Benzol-1,2-dicarbaldehyd; OPA; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthaldehyde; o-Phthaldialdehyde; o-Phthalic aldehyde;p-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Phtalaldéhyde; Phthalaldehyd; Phthalaldehyde; Phthalic dialdehyde; 1,2-Diformylbenzene; 211-402-2; 2-Phthaldehyde; 2-Phthaldehyde; 2-Phthaldialdehyde; 6-oxocyclohexa-2,4-diene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde hydrate; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; OPA; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; OPA; O-Phthalaldialdehyde;o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthalicdicarboxaldehyde; OPTA; P-6600; Phtalaldehydes; Phthalaldialdehyde; Phthaldialdehyde;PHTHALIC ALDEHYDE; Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthalyldicarboxaldehyde; Phtharal; Phtharal; o-Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; OPA; o-Phthalaldehyde; 643-79-8; o-Phthaldialdehyde; PHTHALALDEHYDE; Benzene-1,2-dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxaldehyde; Phthaldialdehyde; Phthalic aldehyde; Phthalic dialdehyde; ortho-Phthalaldehyde; Phthalyldicarboxaldehyde; o-Phthaldehyde; benzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde; Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; Phthalaldialdehyde; o-Phthalicdicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-Diformylbenzene; 2-PHTHALALDEHYDE; 1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; ortho Phthalaldehyde; o-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde; 1,2-BENZENEDICARBALDEHYDE; OPA; OPTA; Phtalaldehydes [French]; NSC 13394; UNII-4P8QP9768A; CHEBI:70851; 2-PHTHALDIALDEHYDE; EINECS 211-402-2; MFCD00003335; BRN 0878317; ZWLUXSQADUDCSB-UHFFFAOYSA-N; 4P8QP9768A; NCGC00166206-01; DSSTox_CID_12514; DSSTox_RID_78962; DSSTox_GSID_32514; Phtalaldehydes; 1,2-Phthalic dicarboxaldehyde, 98%; CAS-643-79-8; Orthophthaldialdehyde; ortho-Phthalic Aldehyde; phthalaldehyd; o-Phthalaldehyd; o-phthal aldehyde; orthophthalaldehyde; Phtharal (JAN); Disopa (TN); 2-PHTHALDEHYDE; Phthaldialdehyde Reagent; PubChem17402; ORTHO-PHTHALADEHYDE; Epitope ID:176774; O-PHTHALIC DIALDEHYDE, 2-Phthaldehyde, High purity; SCHEMBL33393; 4-07-00-02138 (Beilstein Handbook Reference); 1,2-Phthalic dicarboxyaldehyde; CHEMBL160145; Ortho-Phthalic Aldehyde (OPA); BENZENE-1,2-DIALDEHYDE; DTXSID6032514; CTK1C4396; HSDB 8456; TIMTEC-BB SBB008450; EBD34601; NSC13394; STR01056; ZINC1729594; Tox21_112347; Tox21_300404; ANW-49313; BBL027435; NSC-13394; SBB008450; STK802214; AKOS000119186; Tox21_112347_1; AS03002; CS-W013385; LS11855; MCULE-5731001647; KS-0000022J; NCGC00166206-02; NCGC00166206-04; NCGC00254339-01; AC-10388; AK-44048; BR-44048; FLUORALDEHYDE(TM) O-PHTHALALDEHYDE; SC-17674; Phthaldialdehyde Reagent, Solution Complete; LS-109065; AM20050101; FT-0632732, NS00005771; P0280; Phthaldialdehyde Reagent, Solution Incomplete; ST51037395; 43P798; D03470; P-6600; Z-3335; SR-01000944839; Q5933776; SR-01000944839-1; Phthaldialdehyde, for fluorescence, >=99.0% (HPLC); 6-Oxomethylene-5-[(E)-hydroxymethylene]cyclohexa-1,3-diene; 6-Oxomethylene-5- [(Z)-hydroxymethylene]cyclohexa-1,3-diene; Phthaldialdehyde, >=97% (HPLC), powder (may contain lumps); InChI=1/C8H6O2/c9-5-7-3-1-2-4-8(7)6-10/h1-6; Phthaldialdehyde, suitable for HPLC fluorimetric detection of amino acids, >=99% (HPLC), powder
O-Fitalaldehit veya orto-ftalaldehit (OPA), C6H4 (CHO) 2 formülüne sahip kimyasal bileşiktir. Genellikle kısaltılmış OPA, molekül bir benzen halkasında komşu karbon merkezlerine bağlı iki formil (CHO) grubundan oluşan bir dialdehittir. Soluk sarı renkli bu katı, heterosiklik bileşiklerin sentezinde bir yapı taşı ve amino asitler analizinde bir reaktiftir. orto-ftalaldehit (OPA), pH <11.5 olan su çözeltisinde erir. Solüsyonları UV aydınlatması ve havaya maruz kalma üzerine bozunur.
orto-ftalaldehit (OPA) polimerize edilebilir. Polimerde, oksijen atomlarından biri, aynı fitalaldehit biriminin diğer halka-olmayan karbonuna köprü oluştururken, diğer köprüler başka bir fitalaldehit biriminin halka-olmayan karbonuna köprü oluşturur. Poli (ftalaldehit), bir fotorezist oluşturmada kullanılır.
Ortofitalaldehit veya OPA, heterosiklik bileşiklerin sentezinde kullanılan bir dialdehid ve amino asitlerin analizinde bir reaktiftir. Orto-ftalaldehit (OPA), hastanelerde tıbbi bir dezenfektan olarak ve hasta bakımı için cerrahi alet sterilizasyon çözümü olarak yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ortofitalaldehit, geniş bir endoskop yelpazesini ve diğer ısıya hassas kritik yarı tıbbi cihazları dezenfekte etmeye yardımcı olabilir.
Ortho-Phthalaldehyde (OPA), endoskop, sistoskoplar ve bazı diş araçlarını da içeren normal ısı veya buhar sterilizasyonu süreçlerine duyarlı tıbbi ekipman için üst düzey bir antimikrobiyal dezenfektan olarak kullanılan bir aromatik dialdehittir. 40 yıldır, başka bir dialdehit olan glutaraldehit, ısıya duyarlı tıbbi cihazların dezenfekte edilmesi için birincil tercih olmuştur; Bununla birlikte, kimyasal bir sensitizör olduğu bildirilmiştir. Glutaraldehidin biyolojik aminlere karşı yüksek afiniteye sahip olduğu bilinmektedir ve bir doku fiksatif maddesi olarak kullanımı bu mülkiyetten yararlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle, bir kimyasal sınıf olan glutaraldehit ve dialdehitler doğal proteinlere bağlanabilir, böylece sunumlarını bağışıklık sistemine değiştirirler.
Floraldehit Reaktif Çözeltisi, floresan algılama ve kantitatif etkinleştirmek için amino asitler, peptit ve proteinlerin birincil aminleri ile reaksiyona giren orto-ftalaldehit (OPA) içerir. Bir protein veya peptit tahlil reaktifi olarak veya amino asit analizi (HPLC) için bir ön veya son sütun tespit reaktifi olarak kullanılabilen reaktif. Orto-ftalaldehit (OPA)`nın proteinler ve peptidlerle reaksiyonu, geniş bir konsantrasyon yelpazesinde doğrusal sonuçlar verir. Fluoraldehyde Reaktif Çözümü, kullanıma hazır olarak tedarik edilir ve çözeltideki proteinlerin veya peptidlerin hızlı bir şekilde nicelenmesini sağlar. Ortofitalaldehid (OPA): %0.55 1,2-benzenedikarboksialdehid ya da OPA, şeffaf, soluk mavi pH`sı 7.5 olan bir solüsyondur. Oldukça geniş bir etkinlik alanı vardır. Bilinen göz ve burun pasajına ait irritan etkisi yoktur. pH 3-9 arasında mükemmel stabilizasyonu mevcuttur. Mikroorganizmalar ve sporlar üzerinde oldukça geniş bir etkinliği vardır. Toksisitesi gluteraldehitten daha az ve mikobakterilere daha hızlı etkilidir. Orto-fitalaldehit (OPA), Hızlı etkili 20 C° de 12 dk. pH aralığı geniş (pH 3-9). Aktivasyon gerekli değildir. Mikobakterisidal etki erken ve fazla. Materyal uyumu iyi. En fazla 14 gün etkin. Solunum ve mide barsak sisteminde gözlerde irritasyon, uzun süreli temasta dermatit. Proteinleri ve deriyi griye boyar.

Moleküler Formül: C8H6O2
Moleküler Ağırlık: 134.13
Yoğunluk: 1.19 g / mL
Erime Noktası: 55.5-56 ° C
Görünüş: Sarı katı
Nakliye Bilgileri: 25kgs

o-Phthalaldehyde or ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) is the chemical compound with the formula C6H4(CHO)2. Often abbreviated Ortho-phthalaldehyde(OPA), the molecule is a dialdehyde, consisting of two formyl (CHO) groups attached to adjacent carbon centres on a benzene ring. This pale yellow solid is a building block in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and a reagent in the analysis of amino acids. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) dissolves in water solution at pH < 11.5. Its solutions degrade upon UV illumination and exposure to air. The compound was first described in 1887 when it was prepared from α,α,α’,α’-tetrachloro-ortho-xylene.[3] A more modern synthesis is similar: the hydrolysis of the related tetrabromoxylene using potassium oxalate, followed by purification by steam distillation
The reactivity of Ortho-phthalaldehyde(OPA) is complicated by the fact that in water it forms both a mono- and dihydrate, C6H4(CHO)(CH(OH)2) and C6H4(CH(OH))2O, respectively. Its reactions with nucleophiles often involves the reaction of both carbonyl groups.
O-Phthalaldehyde (OPA) is a chemical reagent that forms fluorescent conjugation products with primary amines. It is used for the detection of many biogenic amines, peptides, and proteins in nanogram quantities in body fluids. O-Phthalaldehyde is approved by FDA for use in test systems to detect blood urea nitrogen (BUN) for the diagnosis and treatment of certain renal and metabolic diseases. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) is also a known desinfectant and has been approved for high-level sterilization of heat-sensitive medical instruments and is increasingly being used as a replacement in the healthcare industry for glutaraldehyde. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) has also been approved for use as an indoor antimicrobial pesticide; an intermediate for the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, medicines, and other organic compounds. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) is a high-level disinfectant that received FDA clearance in October 1999. It contains at least 0.55% 1,2-benzenedicarboxaldehyde or Ortho-phthalaldehyde(OPA), and it has supplanted glutaraldehyde as the most commonly used “aldehyde” for high-level disinfection in the United States. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) solution is a clear, pale-blue liquid with a pH of 7.5. The advantages, disadvantages, and characteristics of Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA). Studies have demonstrated excellent microbicidal activity in vitro studies,74,75,93,111,147-152 including superior mycobactericidal activity (5-log10 reduction in 5 minutes) compared with glutaraldehyde. Walsh and colleagues also found Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) effective (>5-log10 reduction) against a wide range of microorganisms, including glutaraldehyde-resistant mycobacteria and Bacillus atrophaeus spores.150 Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) has several potential advantages compared with glutaraldehyde. It has excellent stability over a wide pH range (pH 3 to 9), is not a known irritant to the eyes and nasal passages, does not require exposure monitoring, has a barely perceptible odor, and requires no activation. Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA), like glutaraldehyde, has excellent material compatibility. A potential disadvantage of Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) is that it stains proteins gray (including unprotected skin) and thus must be handled with caution.However, skin staining would indicate improper handling that requires additional training and/or personal protective equipment (gloves, eye and mouth protection, fluid-resistant gowns). Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) residues remaining on inadequately water-rinsed transesophageal echocardiographic probes may leave stains on the patient`s mouth. Meticulous cleaning, use of the correct Ortho-phthalaldehyde(OPA) exposure time (e.g., 12 minutes), and copious rinsing of the probe with water should eliminate this problem. Because Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) has been associated with several episodes of anaphylaxis after cystoscopy,153 the manufacturer has modified its instructions for use of Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and contraindicates the use of Ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) as a disinfectant for reprocessing all urologic instrumentation for patients with a history of bladder cancer. Personal protective equipment should be worn when handling contaminated instruments, equipment, and chemicals.148 In addition, equipment must be thoroughly rinsed to prevent discoloration of a patient`s skin or mucous membrane.



Molecular Formula:C8H6O2
Molecular Weight:134.13
Appearance:Yellow solid
Transport Information:25kgs
Density:1.19 g/mL


Melting Point:55.5-56 °C



Ataman Kimya A.Ş. © 2015 Tüm Hakları Saklıdır.