1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

Lityum Klorür (Lithium Chloride)

Lityum Klorür (Lithium Chloride) aşağıdaki ürünlerde kullanılır: kaplama ürünleri, metal yüzey işleme ürünleri, metal olmayan yüzey işleme ürünleri, yapıştırıcılar ve sızdırmazlık malzemeleri, mürekkepler ve tonerler, pH düzenleyiciler ve su arıtma ürünleri, fotokimyasallar, cilalar ve mumlar ve kaynak & lehimleme ürünleri.

Lityum klorür, LiCl formülüne sahip kimyasal bir bileşiktir.

Tercih edilen IUPAC adı: Lityum klorür

Eş anlamlı(lar): Hidroklorik asit lityum tuzu

Doğrusal Formül: LiCl

Sistematik IUPAC adı: Lityum(1+) klorür

CAS Numarası: 7447-41-8

EC Numarası:231-212-3

Kimyasal formül: LiCl
Molar kütle: 42,39 g·mol−1
Görünüm: beyaz katı higroskopik, keskin
Yoğunluk: 2,068 g/cm3
Erime noktası: 605–614 °C (1,121–1,137 °F; 878–887 K)
Kaynama noktası: 1.382 °C (2.520 °F; 1.655 K)

Lityum Klorür (LiCl), oldukça polar ve suda çözünebilen iyonik bir bileşik veya tuzdur.
Lityum Klorür, aseton ve metanol gibi organik çözücülerde potasyum klorür veya sodyum klorürden daha fazla çözünür.
Lityum klorür birçok endüstriyel uygulamada yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.

Otomotiv sektöründe bu kimyasala olan talebin artması, küresel lityum klorür pazarının önemli bir itici gücüdür.
Lityum Klorür araç aküsü uygulamalarında kullanılmaktadır.

LiCl, nükleer yakıtın yeniden işlenmesinde elektrolit olarak kullanılır.

Sudaki çözünürlük:
68,29 g/100 mL (0 °C)
74,48 g/100 mL (10°C)
84,25 g/100 mL (25°C)
88,7 g/100 mL (40 °C)
123,44 g/100 mL (100°C)

Çözünürlük: hidrazin, metil formamid, bütanol, selenyum(IV) oksiklorür, 1-propanolde çözünür

Lityum Klorürün Kimyasal Özellikleri:
Tuz, diğer alkali metal klorürlerden farklı olarak kristalin hidratlar oluşturur.
Mono-, tri- ve pentahidratlar bilinmektedir.
Susuz tuz, hidratların ısıtılmasıyla yeniden üretilebilir.
LiCl ayrıca dört eşdeğer amonyak/mol'e kadar emer.
Diğer herhangi bir iyonik klorürde olduğu gibi, lityum klorür çözeltileri bir klorür iyonu kaynağı olarak hizmet edebilir, örneğin gümüş nitratla işlemden sonra bir çökelti oluşturabilir:

LiCl + AgNO3 → AgCl + LiNO3

Lityum klorürün kullanım alanları

Lityum klorür esas olarak 450 °C'de (842 °F) LiCl/KCl eriyiğinin elektrolizi yoluyla lityum metali üretmek için kullanılır.
Lityum klorür aynı zamanda otomobil parçalarında alüminyum için lehimleme flaksı olarak da kullanılır.
Lityum klorür, düşük erime noktalarına sahip çeşitli tuz karışımlarında kullanılır ve bu da malzemenin sert lehim eritkenlerinde ve banyolarda kullanılmasına olanak tanır.
LiCl, hava akımlarını kurutmak için kurutucu olarak kullanılır.
Lityum klorür, daha özel uygulamalarda organik sentezde, örneğin Stille reaksiyonunda bir katkı maddesi olarak kullanılır.
Ayrıca, lityum klorür biyokimyasal uygulamalarda hücresel ekstraktlardan RNA'yı çökeltmek için kullanılabilir.

Lityum klorür aynı zamanda koyu kırmızı alevler üreten bir alev renklendiricidir.

Lityum Klorürün niş kullanımları:
Higrometrelerin kalibrasyonunda bağıl nem standardı olarak lityum klorür kullanılır.
25 °C'de (77 °F), doymuş tuz çözeltisi (%45,8) %11,30'luk bir denge bağıl nemi verecektir.

Ek olarak lityum klorür higrometre olarak kullanılabilir.
Bu nemle eriyen tuz, havaya maruz kaldığında kendi kendine bir çözüm oluşturur.
Ortaya çıkan çözeltideki denge LiCl konsantrasyonu doğrudan havanın bağıl nemi ile ilgilidir.
25 °C'deki (77 °F) bağıl nem yüzdesi, 10–30 °C (50–86 °F) aralığında minimum hatayla aşağıdaki birinci dereceden denklemden tahmin edilebilir: RH=107,93-2,11C burada C kütlece yüzde olarak çözelti LiCl konsantrasyonudur.

Erimiş LiCl, karbon nanotüpleri, grafen ve lityum niyobat hazırlamak için kullanılır.

Lityum klorürün akarisit katı özelliklere sahip olduğu ve bal arısı popülasyonlarında Varroa yıkıcısına karşı etkili olduğu gösterilmiştir.

Lityum klorür, koşullu yer tercihi ve kaçınmayı incelemek için laboratuar hayvanlarında caydırıcı bir madde olarak kullanılır.

Lityum klorür, >10 mS cm-1 iyonik iletkenliğe sahip iyon iletken nötr polimer elektrolit olan LiCl-PAM'i (poliakrilamid) hazırlamak için kullanılabilir.

Lityum klorür, aldehitlerin ve ketonların karşılık gelen silile edilmiş siyanohidrinlere siyanosililasyonunda etkili bir katalizördür.

Lityum Klorürün Diğer Uygulamaları
Lityum Klorür, koyu kırmızı alevler oluşturmak için alev renklendirici olarak kullanılır.
Biyolojik uygulamalarda RNA'nın çökeltilmesinde kullanılır.
Lityum Klorür, otomobil parçalarında alüminyum yanan bir akıştır.
Düşük sıcaklıklarda lehimleme, kaynak teknikleri ve tuz banyosu ısıl işlemlerinde kullanılır.
Lityum klorür, İklimlendirme endüstrisindeki büyük nem alma sistemlerinde kullanılır.
Bu, lityum klorür çözeltilerinin üzerindeki buharın düşük denge basıncına bağlıdır.

Lityum klorür, LiCl/KCl eriyiğinin 450 °C'de elektrolizi yoluyla lityum metali üretir.

LiCl ayrıca otomobil parçalarında alüminyum için lehim pastası olarak da kullanılır.
LiCl, Stille reaksiyonunun verimliliğini arttırmak için kullanılabilir.

Lityum astatid
Lityum bromür
Lityum karbonat
Lityum florür
Lityum Hidroksit
Lityum iyodür
Lityum Nitrat

Lithium chloride is a chemical compound with the formula LiCl. 

Preferred IUPAC name: Lithium chloride

Synonym(s): Hydrochloric acid lithium salt

Linear Formula: LiCl

Systematic IUPAC name: Lithium(1+) chloride

CAS Number: 7447-41-8 

EC Number:231-212-3

Chemical formula: LiCl
Molar mass: 42.39 g·mol−1
Appearance: white solid hygroscopic, sharp
Density: 2.068 g/cm3
Melting point: 605–614 °C (1,121–1,137 °F; 878–887 K)
Boiling point: 1,382 °C (2,520 °F; 1,655 K)

Lithium Chloride (LiCl) is an ionic compound or salt highly polar and soluble in water. 
Lithium Chloride is more soluble in organic solvents such as acetone and methanol than potassium chloride or sodium chloride. 
Lithium chloride is widely used in several industrial applications.

Lithium chloride is a chemical compound with the formula LiCl. 
Lithium chloride is a relatively typical ionic compound, although the Li+ ion is very small. 
The salt is hygroscopic, highly soluble in water, and highly polar.
Lithium chloride is more soluble in polar organic solvents such as methanol and acetone than sodium chloride or potassium chloride.

Lithium Chloride is used in the following products: coating products, metal surface treatment products, non-metal-surface treatment products, adhesives and sealants, inks and toners, pH regulators and water treatment products, photo-chemicals, polishes and waxes, and welding & soldering products.

 Molten salt chemistry and metallurgy, brazing fluxes, the catalyst for organic oxidation reactions, the electrolyte in dry cells used in low temperatures, and stabilizer in textile fiber spinning solutions. 

Solubilizer for polyamides and cellulose when used with amide solvents, chlorinating agent for steroid agents. 
Desiccant for drying applications, tracer in wastewater.

The rise in demand for this chemical in the automotive sector is a significant driver of the global lithium chloride market. 
Lithium Chloride is utilized in vehicle battery applications. 

The lithium Chloride industry is expected to benefit from increased consumption of LiCl in the field of biomedicine. 

The recent worldwide trend of electrification of cars is expected to drive revenue growth in the market. 

Rising demand for lithium metal manufacturing paired with its increasing applicability in electricity and transportation advancements are expected to drive market revenue growth since it is utilized as feed material. 

LiCl is used as an electrolyte in nuclear fuel reprocessing.

Solubility in water:
68.29 g/100 mL (0 °C)
74.48 g/100 mL (10 °C)
84.25 g/100 mL (25 °C)
88.7 g/100 mL (40 °C)
123.44 g/100 mL (100 °C)

Solubility: soluble in hydrazine, methyl formamide, butanol, selenium(IV) oxychloride, 1-propanol

Solubility in methanol
45.2 g/100 g (0 °C)
43.8 g/100 g (20 °C)
42.36 g/100 g (25 °C)
44.6 g/100 g (60 °C)

Solubility in ethanol
14.42 g/100 g (0 °C)
24.28 g/100 g (20 °C)
25.1 g/100 g (30 °C)
23.46 g/100 g (60 °C)

Solubility in formic acid
26.6 g/100 g (18 °C)
27.5 g/100 g (25 °C)

Solubility in acetone
1.2 g/100 g (20 °C)
0.83 g/100 g (25 °C)
0.61 g/100 g (50 °C)

Solubility in liquid ammonia
0.54 g/100 g (-34 °C)
3.02 g/100 g (25 °C)

Vapor pressure
1 torr (785 °C)
10 torr (934 °C)
100 torr (1130 °C)

Magnetic susceptibility (χ): −24.3·10−6 cm3/mol
Refractive index (nD): 1.662 (24 °C)
Viscosity: 0.87 cP (807 °C)[1]

Heat capacity (C): 48.03 J/mol·K[1]

Std molar entropy (S⦵298): 59.31 J/mol·K[1]
Std enthalpy of formation (ΔfH⦵298): -408.27 kJ/mol
Gibbs free energy (ΔfG⦵): -384 kJ/mol[1]

The salt is a typical ionic compound (with specific covalent characteristics). 

However, the small size of the Li+ ion gives rise to properties not seen for other alkali metal chlorides, such as extraordinary solubility in polar solvents (83.05 g/100 mL of water at 20 °C) and its hygroscopic properties.

Lithium Chloride has a sharp, saline taste and cubic crystals, crystalline powder, or granule appearance.
It has a melting point of 121°F and 2.068 density at 77°F
Its aqueous solution is neutral and a bit alkaline
Lithium Chloride is soluble in ether, nitrobenzene, and water alcohols

Chemical Properties of Lithium Chloride:
The salt forms crystalline hydrates, unlike the other alkali metal chlorides.
Mono-, tri-, and pentahydrates are known.
The anhydrous salt can be regenerated by heating the hydrates. 
LiCl also absorbs up to four equivalents of ammonia/mol. 
As with any other ionic chloride, solutions of lithium chloride can serve as a source of chloride ion, e.g., forming a precipitate upon treatment with silver nitrate:

LiCl + AgNO3 → AgCl + LiNO3

Preparation of Lithium chloride
Lithium chloride may be prepared most simply by reaction of lithium hydroxide or lithium carbonate with hydrochloric acid. 
Anhydrous LiCl is prepared from the hydrate by heating in a stream of hydrogen chloride.

Lithium chloride may also be prepared by the highly exothermic reaction of lithium metal with either chlorine or anhydrous hydrogen chloride gas. 
Anhydrous LiCl is prepared from the hydrate by gently heating under an atmosphere of hydrogen chloride, used to prevent hydrolysis.

Reaction with Sulfuric Acid
The lithium chloride and sulfuric acid reaction form hydrogen chloride and lithium sulfate. 
Here is the reaction’s chemical equation:


Reaction with Base
Lithium chloride reacts with an alkali (such as Sodium Hydroxide) to form Sodium Chloride and Lithium Hydroxide.


Like other metal chlorides, lithium chloride salt produces crystalline hydrates. 
You can regenerate its anhydrous salts after heating the hydrates. 
Besides, it can easily absorb four equivalents of ammonia per mol. 
However, lithium chloride can mainly serve as a chloride ion source when combined with an ionic chloride.

Lithium chloride can react as a source of chloride ions. 
As with any other soluble ionic chloride, it will precipitate insoluble chlorides when added to a solution of an appropriate metal salt such as lead(II) nitrate:

2 LiCl(aq) + Pb(NO3)2(aq) → PbCl2(s) + 2 LiNO3(aq)

The Li+ ion acts as a weak Lewis acid under certain circumstances; for example, one mole of lithium chloride can absorb up to four moles of ammonia.

Uses of Lithium chloride

Lithium chloride, one of the most well-known mood stabilizers with antisuicidal effects, is currently being utilized as an agent for acute mania and as a maintenance treatment for bipolar disorder.

Commercial applications of Lithium Chloride

Lithium chloride is mainly used to produce lithium metal by electrolysis of a LiCl/KCl melt at 450 °C (842 °F). 
Lithium chloride is also used as a brazing flux for aluminum in automobile parts. 
Lithium chloride is used in several salt mixtures with low melting points, allowing the material to be used in brazing fluxes and baths.
LiCl is used as a desiccant for drying air streams.
Lithium chloride is used in organic synthesis in more specialized applications, e.g., as an additive in the Stille reaction. 
Also, Lithium chloride can be used in biochemical applications to precipitate RNA from cellular extracts.

Lithium chloride is also a flame colorant to produce dark red flames.

Niche uses of Lithium Chloride:
Lithium chloride is used as a relative humidity standard in calibrating hygrometers. 
At 25 °C (77 °F), a saturated solution (45.8%) of the salt will yield an equilibrium relative humidity of 11.30%. 

Additionally, lithium chloride can be used as a hygrometer. 
This deliquescent salt forms a self-solution when exposed to air. 
The equilibrium LiCl concentration in the resulting solution is directly related to the relative humidity of the air. 
The percent relative humidity at 25 °C (77 °F) can be estimated, with minimal error in the range 10–30 °C (50–86 °F), from the following first-order equation: RH=107.93-2.11C, where C is solution LiCl concentration, percent by mass.

Molten LiCl is used to prepare carbon nanotubes, graphene, and lithium niobate.

Lithium chloride has been shown to have acaricidal solid properties, being effective against Varroa destructor in populations of honey bees.

Lithium chloride is used as an aversive agent in lab animals to study conditioned place preference and aversion.

Lithium chloride can be used to prepare LiCl-PAM (polyacrylamide), an ion-conducting neutral polymer electrolyte with an ionic conductivity >10 mS cm-1.

Lithium chloride is an efficient catalyst in the cyanosilylation of aldehydes and ketones to the corresponding silylated cyanohydrins.

As a reaction medium in combination with N, N-dimethylacetamide for the esterification of cellulose.

Lithium metal is produced by electrolysis of lithium chloride and potassium chloride, which melts at 450°C. 
High-purity lithium chloride is used as the feedstock in the process and makes about 99.5% pure lithium metal.

Molten lithium is contained in a carbon steel pot, while the chlorine gas is collected in a stainless steel or glass pipe for applications in other processes. 
The molten lithium flows into a collecting tank and is later cast into ingots. 
A mesh or stainless-steel screen separates the two compartments to prevent the products from mixing.

Other Applications of Lithium Chloride
Lithium Chloride is used as a flame colorant to form dark crimson flames.
It is used in the precipitation of RNA in biological applications.
Lithium Chloride is an aluminum blazing flux in automobile parts.
It is used for soldering, welding techniques, and salt bath heat treatment at low temperatures.
Lithium chloride is used in massive dehumidification systems in the Air Conditioning industry. 
This depends on the low equilibrium pressure of vapor above lithium chloride solutions.

Lithium chloride produces lithium metal by electrolysis of a LiCl/KCl melt at 450 °C. 

LiCl is also used as a brazing flux for aluminum in automobile parts. 
LiCl can be used to improve the efficiency of the Stille reaction. 
Its desiccant properties can generate potable water by absorbing moisture from the air, which is then released by heating the salt. 

For a short time in the 1940s, lithium chloride was manufactured as a substitute for salt, but this was prohibited after the toxic effects of the compound were recognised.

Lithium salts affect the central nervous system in a variety of ways. 
While citrate, carbonate, and orotate salts are currently used to treat bipolar disorder, other lithium salts, including chloride, were used in the past. 

For a short time in the 1940s, lithium chloride was manufactured as a salt substitute for people with hypertension, but this was prohibited after the toxic effects of the compound (tremors, fatigue, nausea) were recognized.

It was, however, noted by J. H. Talbott that many symptoms attributed to lithium chloride toxicity may have also been attributable to sodium chloride deficiency, to the diuretics often administered to patients who were given lithium chloride, or to the patients' underlying conditions.

Chloride, Lithium
Lithium Chloride

chlorure de lithium
Chlorku litu
Lithium chloride (LiCl)
CCRIS 5924
lithii chloridum
HSDB 4281
Lithium Cholride
cloruro de litio
Lithium chloride (powder)
EINECS 231-212-3
NSC 327172
Lithium Chloride, Anhydrous
EC 231-212-3
Lithium chloride, ultra dry
Chlorku litu [Polish]
Luthium chloride
Chloride, Lithium
Chlorure de lithium [French]
2M Lithium Chloride Electrolyte, Electrode Filling Solution
Lithium Chloride (2.3% in Tetrahydrofuran, ca. 0.5mol/L)
lithim chloride
Lithium chloride, anhydrous, chunks, 99.99% trace metals basis
Lithium chloride anhydrous
Lithium chloride, ACS grade
Lithium chloride battery grade
Lithium chloride, ACS reagent
Lithium chloride, 3-5% in THF
lithium chloride, gamma irradiated, 8m
Lithium chloride, ACS reagent, >=99%
Lithium chloride, ReagentPlus(R), 99%
Lithium chloride, Vetec(TM) reagent grade
Lithium chloride, Trace metals grade 99.9%
L 4408
Lithium chloride, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%
Lithium chloride, for molecular biology, >=99%
Lithium chloride, SAJ special grade, >=99.0%
Lithium chloride, BioXtra, >=99.0% (titration)
Lithium chloride, powder, >=99.99% trace metals basis
Lithium chloride, puriss. p.a., anhydrous, >=99.0% (AT)
Lithium chloride, anhydrous, beads, -10 mesh, >=99.9% trace metals basis
Lithium chloride, anhydrous, beads, -10 mesh, 99.998% trace metals basis
Lithium chloride, puriss. p.a., ACS reagent, anhydrous, >=99.0% (AT)
Lithium chloride, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ACS reagent, >=99%
Lithium chloride, anhydrous, free-flowing, Redi-Dri(TM), ReagentPlus(R), 99%
Lithium chloride, BioUltra, for molecular biology, anhydrous, >=99.0% (AT)

Substance names and other identifiers

Regulatory process names
Lithium chloride

EC Inventory
lithium chloride

Pre-Registration process
Lithium chloride (LiCl)

IUPAC names

Lithium Chloride

Lithium chloride

lithium chloride

Lithium Chloride

Lithium Chloride Anhydrous

Lithium chloride anhydrous

Lithium chloride, anhydrous

Lithium monochloride

lithium(1+) chloride

lithium(1+) ion chloride





lithuim chloride

Trade names
Chloride Lithium Anhydrous

Lithium chloride

Lithium chloride [ACD/IUPAC Name] [Wiki]
231-212-3 [EINECS]
7447-41-8 [RN]
Chloride, Lithium
Chlorku litu [Polish]
Chlorure de lithium [French] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
cloruro de litio [Italian]
hydrochloric acid lithium salt
LiCl [Formula]
Lithiumchlorid [German] [ACD/IUPAC Name]
[7447-41-8] [RN]
16712-20-2 [RN]
20233-17-4 [RN]
404596-80-1 [RN]
7789-01-7 [RN]
85144-11-2 [RN]
Chlorku Litu
Chlorku litu [Polish]
Chlorure de lithium [French]
cloruro de litio
EINECS 231-212-3
lithii chloridum [Latin]
lithii chloridum
Lithium chloride (powder)
Lithium chloride, anhydrous
Lithium chloridemissing
MFCD00011078 [MDL number]
OmniPur(R) Lithium Chloride
氯化锂 [Chinese]

Lithium astatide
Lithium bromide
Lithium carbonate
Lithium fluoride
Lithium Hydroxide
Lithium iodide
Lithium Nitrate

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