1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z

DIBASIC ESTER (DBE) dibazik ester


CAS NO: 95481-62-2

METATAGS;Dibasic Esters (DBE); Dibasic ester; DBE dibasic ester; 95481-62-2; Dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate; Estasol; DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid); dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate; dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid and glutaric acid estasol; Dibasic ester; DBE dibasic ester; 95481-62-2; dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate; Estasol; DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid; succinic acid and adipic acid); RDPE; Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate; dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate; 3B3-062362; Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid glutaric acid; 1,4-dimethyl butanedioate 1,5-dimethyl pentanedioate 1,6- dimethyl hexanedioate; 1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE; Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate; Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;dibasic ester;dibazik ester;di bazik ester;dibazikester;dibasicester;DBE;di bazikester;di basic ester;dimethyl butanedioate;dimethyl hexanedioate;dimethyl pentanedioate;Dibasic ester;DBE dibasic ester;95481-62-2;dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate;Estasol;DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid);Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate;Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid glutaric acid;1,4-dimethyl butanedioate 1,5-dimethyl pentanedioate 1,6-dimethyl hexanedioate;1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE;Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;DIMETHYL SUCCINATE, DIMETHYL GLUTARATE, DIMETHYL ADIPATE;CH3OOC-(CH2)2-4COOCH3;Dibasic Esters; Dimethyl Adipate; Butanedioic acid, 1,4-dimethyl ester; Dimethyl succinate;ESTASOLTM oxygenated;solvent;CAS No. 95481-62-2;Dibasic esters;Dimethyl esters;Dimethyl succinate ;CAS No. 106-65-0 ;Dimethyl butanedioate;Dimethyl adipate ;CAS No. 627-93-0;Dimethyl hexanedioate;Dimethyl glutarate ;CAS No. 1119-40-0 ;Dimethyl pentanedioate ;DBE;IMSOL;ESTASOL;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;DBE, Dibasic ester mixture;meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;DBE,Dibasic Esters,Dimethyl butanedioate;Estasol;Dibasic ester;DBE dibasic ester;95481-62-2;dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate;DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid);RDPE;imsol;dibasic acid;AC1L2OFE;dibasic mixture of esters;meso-dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;SCHEMBL4450294;QYMFNZIUDRQRSA-UHFFFAOYSA-N;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate;AN-34830;PL002239;dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate;dimethyl adipate/dimethyl glutarate/dimethyl succinate;Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid glutaric acid;1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;Aliphatic Dibasic Esters - DBE, Dibasic Ester;Dimethyl succinate; Succinic acid dimethyl ester;IMSOL;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;DIMETHYL ADIPATE/DIMETHYL GLUTARATE/DIMETHYL SUCCINATE;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;ESTASOL;DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;IMSOL;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;DIMETHYL ADIPATE/DIMETHYL GLUTARATE/DIMETHYL SUCCINATE;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;ESTASOL;DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;Estasol, DBE dibasic ester, RDPE, Dibasic ester mixture, 422053_ALDRICH, 422061_ALDRICH, DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid), Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid & glutaric acid, Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate, 95481-62-2, DBE, Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;DBE dibasic ester;RDPE;Dibasic ester;Estasol;DBE; Ester mixture (methyl esters) of diacids C4, C5 und C6;DDE;DIBASICESTER;DIBASIC ESTER;Dİ BASİC ESTER;DİBASİC ESTER;Dİ BAZİK ESTER;DİBAZİK ESTER;DİBAZİKESTER;DBE;dı basıc ester;dıbasıcester;dıbasıc ester;di basic ester;dibasic ester;dibasicester;dı bazık ester;dıbazık ester;dıbazıkester;di bazik ester;dibazik ester;dibazikester

EC NUMARASI: 619-131-5

Dimetil butandioat; dimetil heksandioat; dimetil pentandioat

Moleküler formül

Dibazik ester (DBE), adipik, glutarik ve süksinik asitlerin dimetil esterlerinin rafine edilmiş bir karışımıdır. DBE sıvı, yanıcı değildir, kolaylıkla biyolojik olarak bozunur ve aşındırıcı değildir, hafif meyveli kokudur.

DBE, alkoller, ketonlar, eterler ve birçok hidrokarbonda kolaylıkla çözünür, ancak suda ve yüksek parafinlerde az çözünürdür.

DBE) ağırlıklı olarak, can / bobin, su bazlı, mıknatıs tel ve otomotiv kaplamalardaki çözücüler olarak kullanılır.

Diğer uygulamalar, endüstriyel temizleyiciler, boya sökücüler, dökümhane çekirdeği bağlayıcıları, baskı mürekkepleri, tekstil, yağlayıcılar, üretan reaksiyonu çözücüleri, peroksit çözücüleri ve kimyasal enjeksiyon / toprak stabilizasyonu.

Dibazik Ester (DBE) dikarboksilik asidin bir esteridir. Dibazik Ester normalde dimetil süksinat, dimetil glutarat ve dimetil adipatın bir karışımıdır.

Dibazik esterler, boya, boya sıyırıcı, kaplama, plastikleştirici, reçine, bağlayıcı, çözücü, poliol, toprak stabilizasyonu, kimyasal enjeksiyon, petrol sondaj sıvıları, bitki koruma ürünleri, sedir püskürtücüleri ve yapışkanlarda kullanılır.

Çift bazlı esterler (DBE), adipik, glutarik ve süksinik asit metil esterlerinin karışımlarıdır.
DBE yüzde 100 kuvvetle veya başka kimyasallarla karıştırılmış olarak kullanılabilir. Bir katkı NMP (n-metil pirrolidon) 'dur. DBE, piyasa taleplerini karşılamak için diğer karışımlara ve saf bileşenlere ayrılabilir.
DBE genellikle bir boya sıyırıcı olarak kullanılır. Boya tabancaları ve çizgilerini temizlemek için kullanılmıştır. DBE-2 ve DBE-3, tercih edilen çözücülerdir.
DBE, boya çıkartan el temizleyicilerinde aktif bileşen olarak kullanılır. DBE ve DBE-2 sıklıkla kullanılır.
DBE, genellikle diğer çözücülerle olan harmanlarda, glikol eterlerinin yerine kullanılmaktadır.
DBE düşük buhar basıncına (0.1 torr veya daha düşük) sahiptir, bu nedenle hava emisyonları muhtemelen düşük olacaktır.
Düşük maliyet ve mükemmel ödeme gücüne sahiptir. Birçok reçineyi çözer ve birçok kutup toprağını çözer.
DBE biyolojik olarak bozunabilir ve bir vakum kullanılarak tekrar kullanılabilir.
DBE normal sıcaklık, nem ve pH'da kararlıdır.
DBE hem sulu olmayan hem de su bazlı striptizcilerden satın alınabilir.
DuPont, tek başına solventten% 70 ila% 80 DBE ve% 30 ila% 20 NMP karışımlarından daha etkili olduğunu önermektedir. DBE'nin NMP'den daha ucuz olması nedeniyle de ekonomiktir.
DBE metilen klorür için önerilen bir yedektir. OSHA tarafından önerilen metilen klorür eşik sınır değerinde (TLV) 50 ila 25 ppm arasında bir azalma meydana gelirse, DBE'ler için pazar artacaktır.
Isobutil diester, yumuşak çelik veya alüminyum kaplarda veya cihazlarda saklandığında ve normal sıcaklık ve nem altında dengelenir.

Endüstriyel, Reçine ve Kaplama, Yapıştırıcılar, Endüstriyel Sondaj, Petrol ve Doğalgaz Üretimi, Sondaj Akışkanları, Hidrolik Çatlama, Fracking


 Dibazik ester; CAS No. 95481-62-2; Eşanlamlı: DBE, Dibasic ester karışımı; Dimetil glutarat, dimetil süksinat ve dimetil adipat karışımı; İMSOL; ESTASOL; DİBAZİK ASİT; DİBAZİK ESTER; DBE DİBAZİK ESTER; Dibazik asit ester; Divalent asit esteri; dibazik esterler (dbe); DİBASİK DİMETİL KARIŞIM, ESTERLERİN DİBAZİK ESTER KARIŞIMI; mixt. dimetil butandioat ve dimetil pentandioat (95481-62-2) ile

Dimetil adipat / Dimetil glutarat / Dimetil süksinat (esterlerin karışımı)

EPA Madde Kayıt Sistemi: Heksandioik asit, dimetil ester, karışım. dimetil butandioat ve dimetil pentandioat (95481-62-2) ile Dimetil adipat ve dimetil glutarat ve dimetil süksinatın reaksiyon kütlesi

EC / Liste no .: 906-170-0

Dimetil adipat ve dimetil glutarat ve dimetil süksinatın reaksiyon kütlesi


IUPAC adları: DBE; DBE Çözücü; Dibazik esterler; 1,5-dimetil glutarat, 1,6-dimetil adipat ve 1,4-dimetil süksinatın reaksiyon kütlesi; Dimetil adipat ve dimetil glutarat ve dimetil süksinatın reaksiyon kütlesi

Kayıt dosyası

Ticari isimler: DME-1; ESTASOL ™ Oksijenli Çözücüler; FlexiSolv DBE esterleri; Santosol DME-1




DBE, Dibazic ester karışımı; DBEDBE, Dibasic Esterler, Dimetil butandioat; IMSOL; DBE; DİBAZİK ESTER; DİMETİL ADİPAT / DİMETİL GLUTARAT / DİMETİL SUCCINATEDIBASIC ASİT; DİBAZİK ESTER; Diasitlerin ester karışımı (metil esterleri) C4, C5 ve C6 Divalent asit ester; DBE, diasitlerin C4, C5 ve C6 ester karışımı (metil esterleri); ESTASOL; ESTERLERİN DİBAZİK KARIŞIMI; meso-Dibenzilaminosüksinik asit; dibazik esterler (dbe); Dibazik asit ester; 95481-62-2; Plastifiyanlar; Polimer Katkı Maddeleri; Polimer Bilimi

Dibazik ester veya DBE, bir dikarboksilik asit esteridir. Uygulamaya bağlı olarak alkol, metanol veya daha yüksek moleküler ağırlıklı monoalkoller olabilir.


95481-62-2 [RN]; DBE; DBE dibazik ester; Dibazik Ester; Dibazik ester karışımı; 1,4-dimetil butandioat; 1,5-dimetil pentandioat; 1,6-dimetil hekzandioat; DBA DİBAZİK ASİT

DBA Dibazik asit (glutarik asit, süksinik asit ve adipik asit karışımı); Adipik asit, süksinik asit ve glutarik asidin dibazik dimetil esterleri; Dimetil adipat; Dimetil suksinat; METHYL GLUTARATE; dimetil butandioate; dimetil heksandioat; dimetil pentandioat; Estasol; Hekzandioik asit, dimetil ester, karışım. dimetil butandedioat ve dimetil pentandioat ile; Pentandioik asit, dimetil ester, karışım. dimetil butandioat ve dimetil heksandioat ile; RDPE



adipik asit, süksinik asit ve glutarik asidin dibazik dimetil esterleri


IUPAC Adı: dimetil butandioat; dimetil heksandioat; dimetil pentandioat


Farklı metil dibazik esterlerin karışımları ticari olarak adipik asit, glutarik asit ve süksinik asit gibi kısa zincirli asitlerden üretilir. Yanıcı değildirler, biyolojik olarak kolayca parçalanabilirler, aşındırıcı değildirler ve hafif, meyvemsi bir kokuları vardır.

dimetil butandioat; dimetil heksandioat; dimetil pentandioat

Polyester reçineler için güçlü bir çözücü olan dimetil glutarat, dimetil süksinat ve dimetil adipatın harmanlanmasından elde edilen çözücü. Üç esterin karışım oranı üreticiye göre farklılık göstermektedir. ATAMAN CHEMICALS'ın yaygın olarak kullanılan ve DBE adlı bir ürününün tipik bileşimi ve bazı özellikleri aşağıda verilmiştir:



Tipik kimyasal bileşim:

% 59 Dimetil glutarat

% 20 Dimetil süksinat

% 21 Dimetil adipat


Dibazik Esterler

ATAMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY, çok çeşitli uygulamalara uyacak kapsamlı bir Dibazik Ester yelpazesi sunabilmektedir. Tamburlarda ve IBC'lerde bulunan, güvenli ve çevre dostu bir çözücü olarak kullanım için Dimetil Adipat, Dimetil Glutarat ve Dimetil Süksinat karışımı sunuyoruz. Bu ürünlerin çoğu İngiltere'de stoklanmaktadır ve standart veya ekspres teslimat için mevcuttur. TDS, SDS ve numuneler istek üzerine sağlanacaktır.


Uygulamalar ve Kullanım Alanları:

Dibazik Esterlerin aşağıdakiler dahil çok çeşitli kullanımları vardır:


Boya sıyırıcıların ve temizleme çözücülerinin tabanını oluşturmak.

Mürekkepler, Dekoratif ve Endüstriyel kaplamalar, Otomatik Tamir, İnşaat, Mastikler ve Yapıştırıcılarda güvenli bir çözücü olarak.

Kompozitler ve Poliüretanlar da bu güvenli çözücüler için kullanım alanı bulur

Diğer uygulamalar, plastikleştiricileri ve Poliüretanlar dahil polimer üretiminde ara maddeleri içerir.

Dibazik Esterler nedir?

Dibazik esterler, yanıcı olmayan, kolayca biyolojik olarak parçalanabilen, aşındırıcı olmayan ve hafif, meyvemsi bir kokuya sahip dikarboksilik asit esterlerinin bir karışımıdır. Bu özellikler, DBE'yi çeşitli amaçlar için kullanılabilen nispeten güvenli bir çözücü yapar.


Bilgi ve Örnekler İçin Bize Ulaşın

Lütfen +90216577 10 10 numaralı telefondan bizi arayın veya info@atamankimya.com ile iletişime geçin.



Dimetil Esterler Hakkında Temel Bilgiler

Dimetil Esterler (aynı zamanda Dibazik Esterler, DBE ve DME'ler * olarak da bilinir), çok çeşitli endüstriyel ve özel uygulamalarda kullanılan biyolojik olarak kolayca parçalanabilir, düşük kokulu, düşük VOC çözücülerdir.


ATAMAN'ın DBE Kimyasal ve Fiziksel Özellikleri:


Hem saflaştırılmış hem de karışık derecelerde adipik, glutarik ve süksinik esterlerden oluşan dimetil ve dibazik esterler berrak, renksiz, az kokulu sıvılardır.


Bu çözücüler, yüksek çözücü güç, düşük uçuculuk, düşük maliyet ve yüksek parlama noktasının benzersiz bir kombinasyonunu sunar.


DME'ler suda çok az çözünür olmalarına rağmen, yüzey aktif maddelerin kullanımıyla su bazlı sistemlere dahil edilebilirler.


Kaynama aralığı: 196-225 ° C; etere göre buharlaşma sayısı:> 100; özgül ağırlık: 1.092; kırılma indisi: 1,423; parlama noktası: 103 ° C


Dibazik esterler, birçok parça temizleme ve sıyırma uygulamasında mükemmel çözücü ikameleridir.

Dimetil esterlerin ve dibazik esterlerin ticari kabulü ve kullanımı, olumlu ekonomik, çevresel ve performans özelliklerinden dolayı artmaya devam etmektedir.


Dimetil esterler ve dibazik esterler, bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere, daha geleneksel ve giderek daha fazla düzenlenen malzemelerin ve endüstriyel çözücülerin yerini almak için tek başına veya özelleştirilmiş ester ve yardımcı çözücü karışımlarında kullanılabilir:


N-metil-2-pirolidon (NMP)


Metilen klorür


belirli glikol eterler ve bunların asetatları


kresilik asit

Sipariş ve Nakliye:

DME karışımları varillerde, kutularda ve toplu miktarlarda mevcuttur.


Kimyasal Uygulamalar için Dibazik Esterler

Dibazik Esterler

Dibazik Ester (DBE) ve fraksiyonları, plastikleştiriciler, polimerler için hammadde görevi görür.

N / Aer (DBE) ve fraksiyonları plastikleştiriciler, polimerler için hammadde görevi görür. ıslak mukavemetli kağıt reçineler ve diğer özel kimyasallar. Bu uygulamalar, yapı taşları olarak DBE'ler için yeni kullanımlar bulunduğundan hızla büyüyor.



Plastikleştiriciler - Bazı adipik, glutarik ve süksinik asit esterleri (karışımlar halinde veya ayrı ayrı), polivinil klorür reçineleri dahil olmak üzere çeşitli polimer sistemleri için mükemmel plastikleştiricilerdir.

Polimer Ara Maddesi - Bir adipik, glutarik ve süksinik asit kaynağı ve bunların karışımları olarak, Diabasic Esterler benzersiz polimer yapıları sağlar. Uygun DBE fraksiyonunun seçilmesiyle, düşük sıcaklık esnekliği gibi özellikler, belirli ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde uyarlanabilir.


Üretanlar için Polyester Polioller - DBE bazlı polioller, poliüretan elastomerler, kaplamalar ve hem esnek hem de sert köpükler yapmak için kullanılır.

Islak Mukavemetli Kağıt Reçineleri - DBE-2, DBE-5 ve DBE-9, ıslak mukavemetli kağıt reçineleri oluşturmak için epiklorohidrin ile reaksiyona sokulabilen tipte uzun zincirli suda çözünür poliamidlerin hazırlanmasında özellikle yararlıdır.

Polyester Reçineler - DBE'ler, doymuş ve doymamış polyester reçinelerin üretiminde yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.

Özel Kimyasal Ara Ürün - Dimetil süksinat (DBE-4), dimetil glutarat (DBE-5) ve dimetil adipat (DBE-6), organik sentez için adipik, glutarat ve süksinik kısımların bol ve ekonomik kaynaklarıdır.

C8 - C10 alkollü ftalatların, adipatların ve azelatların dibazik esterleri, yağlayıcılar, döndürme yüzeyleri ve katkı maddeleri olarak ticari kullanım alanı bulmuştur.



Dibazik esterler, boyalarda, bobin kaplamalarda, boya sökücülerinde, kaplamalarda, plastikleştiricilerde, reçinelerde, bağlayıcılarda, çözücülerde, poliollerde, toprak stabilizasyonunda, kimyasal enjeksiyonda, petrol sahası sondaj sıvılarında, mahsul koruma ürünlerinde, sedir spreyinde ve yapıştırıcılarda kullanılır.


Doğrusal Formül: CH3O2C (CH2) nCO2CH3 (n = 2,3,4) MDL numarası: MFCD00152995 PubChem Madde Kimliği: 24866413 NACRES NA.23


İlgili Kategoriler: Malzeme Bilimi, Plastikleştiriciler, Polimer Katkı Maddeleri, Polimer Bilimi

buhar basıncı: 0,2 mmHg (20 ° C)

kendiliğinden tutuşma sıcaklığı. 698 ° F

expl. lim. % 8

kırılma indisi n20 / D 1.424 (lit.)

bp 196-225 ° C (lit.)

yoğunluk 25 ° C'de 1.092 g / mL (lit.)



Dibazik ester bazlı bir formülasyon, poliüretan, polyester ve akrilat reçineler gibi polar maddeleri ve ayrıca çok çeşitli kaplama ve mürekkepleri çözmek için mükemmel bir alternatif olabilir.


ATAMAN CHEMICALS dibazic ester teknolojisi, aşağıdakiler dahil çok çeşitli uygulamalarda kullanılır:


Bobin ve Kutu Kaplamaları

Polyester ve Epoksi Sızdırmazlık Kaplaması

Otomotiv Boyaları

Endüstriyel Boya

Tel Emaye Kaplamalar


HI&I Temizleme

Sıvı deterjanlar

Pestisitler ve böcek öldürücüler

Tekstil yağları

Korozyon önleyicileri

Baskı mürekkepleri

Döküm Çekirdek Reçine Bağlayıcı

Toprak Stabilizasyonu

Islak Mukavemetli Kağıt Reçineleri

Uygulamaya bağlı olarak, dimetil glutarat, dimetil adipat ve dimetil süksinat kombinasyonu, yavaşça buharlaşan bir temizleme ve sıyırma solventi olarak özel olarak tasarlanabilir.



Dibasic ester;CAS No.95481-62-2; Synonym: DBE, Dibasic ester mixture; Mixture of dimethyl glutarate, dimethyl succinate and dimethyl adipate;IMSOL;ESTASOL;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;Dibasic acid ester;Divalent acid ester;dibasic esters (dbe);DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate (95481-62-2)

Dimethyl adipate/Dimethyl glutarate/Dimethyl succinate (mixture of the esters) 

EPA Substance Registry System: Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate (95481-62-2)



Reaction mass of dimethyl adipate and dimethyl glutarate and dimethyl succinate

EC / List no.: 906-170-0

Reaction mass of dimethyl adipate and dimethyl glutarate and dimethyl succinate


IUPAC names: DBE; DBE Solvent; Dibasic esters; Reaction mass of 1,5-dimethyl glutarate, 1,6-dimethyl adipate and 1,4-dimethyl succinate; Reaction mass of dimetyl adipate and dimethyl glutarate and dimethyl succinate

Registration dossier

Trade names: DME-1; ESTASOL™ Oxygenated Solvents; FlexiSolv DBE esters; Santosol DME-1




DBE, Dibasic ester mixture; DBEDBE,Dibasic Esters,Dimethyl butanedioate; IMSOL; DBE; DIBASIC ESTER;DIMETHYL ADIPATE/DIMETHYL GLUTARATE/DIMETHYL SUCCINATEDIBASIC ACID; DIBASIC ESTER; Ester mixture (methyl esters) of diacids C4, C5 und C6Divalent acid ester;DBE, Ester mixture (methyl esters) of diacids C4, C5 and C6; ESTASOL; DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS; meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid; dibasic esters (dbe);Dibasic acid ester;95481-62-2; Plasticizers; Polymer Additives; Polymer Science

Dibasic ester or DBE is an ester of a dicarboxylic acid. Depending on the application, the alcohol may be methanol or higher molecular weight monoalcohols.


95481-62-2 [RN];DBE;DBE dibasic ester;Dibasic Ester;Dibasic ester mixture; 1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE;DBA DIBASIC ACID

;DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid); Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid & glutaric acid; DIMETHYL ADIPATE; DIMETHYL SUCCINATE; METHYL GLUTARATE

;dimethyl butanedioate;dimethyl hexanedioate;dimethyl pentanedioate; Estasol; Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate

; Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate; RDPE



dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid and glutaric acid


IUPAC Name: dimethyl butanedioate;dimethyl hexanedioate;dimethyl pentanedioate  


Mixtures of different methyl dibasic esters are commercially produced from short-chain acids such as adipic acid, glutaric acid, and succinic acid. They are non-flammable, readily biodegradable, non-corrosive, and have a mild, fruity odour.

dimethyl butanedioate;dimethyl hexanedioate;dimethyl pentanedioate

Solvent that is obtained from blending of dimethyl glutarate, dimethyl succinate and dimethyl adipate and that is a strong solvent for polyester resins. Blending ratio of three esters differs according to the producer. Typical composition and some properties of a widely used product of Invista, named DBE, are given below:


Typical chemical composition:

59% Dimethyl glutarate

20% Dimethyl succinate

21%Dimethyl adipate


Dibasic Esters 

ATAMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY is able to offer a comprehensive range of Dibasic Esters to suit a wide variety of applications. We offer a blend of Dimethyl Adipate, Dimethyl Glutarate and Dimethyl Succinate for use as a safe and environmentally friendly solvent, available in drums and IBCs. Many of these products are stocked in the UK and are available for standard or express delivery. TDS, SDS and samples will be made available on request.


Applications and Uses:

Dibasic Esters have a wide variety of uses including the following:


Forming the base of paint strippers and cleaning solvents.

As a safe solvent in Inks, Decorative and Industrial coatings, Auto-refinish, Construction, Sealants and Adhesives.

Composites and Polyurethanes also find use for these safe solvents

Further applications include plasticisers and intermediates in polymer production including Polyurethanes.

What are Dibasic Esters?

Dibasic esters are a blend of dicarboxylic acid esters that are non-flammable, readily biodegradable, non-corrosive, and have a mild, fruity odour. These properties make DBE a relatively safe solvent that can be used for a variety of purposes.


Contact Us for Information and Samples

Please call us on +90 216 577 10 10 or contact us: info@atamankimya.com


Basic Information About Dimethyl Esters

Dimethyl Esters (also known as Dibasic Esters, DBE, and DMEs*) are readily biodegradable, low odor, low VOC solvents used in a wide variety of industrial and specialty applications.


ATAMAN' S DBE Chemical and Physical Properties:


Consisting of both purified and mixed grades of adipic, glutaric and succinic esters, dimethyl and dibasic esters are clear, colorless, low odor liquids.


These solvents offer a unique combination of high solvency power, low volatility, low cost and high flash point.


Although DMEs are only slightly water soluble, they can be incorporated in to water based systems with the use of surfactants.


Boiling range: 196-225°C; evaporation number relative to ether: >100; specific gravity: 1,092; refractive index: 1,423; flash point: 103°C


Dibasic esters are excellent solvent substitutes in many parts cleaning and stripping applications.

Commercial acceptance and use of dimethyl esters and dibasic esters continues to increase due to their positive economic, environmental and performance characteristics.


Dimethyl esters and dibasic esters can be used alone or in customized ester and co-solvent blends to replace more conventional and increasingly regulated materials and industrial solvents, including, but not limited to:


N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)


methylene chloride


certain glycol ethers and their acetates


cresylic acid

Ordering & Shipping:

DME blends are available in drums, totes and bulk quantities.


They are not classified as hazardous by DOT.


Dibasic Esters for Chemical Applications

Dibasic Esters 

Dibasic Ester (DBE) and its fractions serve as raw materials for plasticizers, polymers.

N/Aer (DBE) and its fractions serve as raw materials for plasticizers, polymers. wet strength paper resins and other specialty chemicals. These applications are growing rapidly as new uses are found for DBEs as building blocks.



Plasticizers- Certain esters of adipic, glutaric, and succinic acids (as mixtures or individually) are excellent plasticizers for various polymer systems including polyvinyl chloride resins.

Polymer Intermediate- As a source of adipic, glutaric and succinic acids and their mixtures, Diabasic Esters provide unique polymer structures. By the selection of the proper DBE fraction, properties, such as low temperature flexibility, can be tailored to meet specific needs.


Polyester Polyols for Urethanes- Polyols based on DBE are used to make polyurethane elastomers, coatings and both flexible and rigid foams.

Wet-Strength Paper Resins- DBE-2, DBE-5, and DBE-9 are particularly useful in the preparation of long-chain water soluble polyamides of the type which can be reacted with epichlorohydrin to form wet-strength paper resins.

Polyester Resins- DBEs are used extensively in the manufacture of saturated and unsaturated polyester resins.

Specialty Chemical Intermediate- Dimethyl succinate (DBE-4), dimethyl glutarate (DBE-5) and dimethyl adipate (DBE-6) are abundant and economical sources of the adipic, glutarate and succinic moieties for organic synthesis.

Dibasic esters of phthalates, adipates, and azelates with C8 - C10 alcohols have found commercial use as lubricants, spin finishes, and additives. 



Dibasic esters are used in paints, coil coatings, paint strippers, coatings, plasticisers, resins, binders, solvents, polyols, soil stabilization, chemical grouting, oilfield drilling fluids, crop protection products, cedar spray, and adhesives.


Linear Formula: CH3O2C(CH2)nCO2CH3 (n=2,3,4)  MDL number: MFCD00152995  PubChem Substance ID: 24866413  NACRES NA.23


Related Categories: Materials Science, Plasticizers, Polymer Additives, Polymer Science

vapor pressure  : 0.2 mmHg ( 20 °C)

autoignition temp.  698 °F

expl. lim.  8 %

refractive index  n20/D 1.424 (lit.)

bp  196-225 °C (lit.)

density  1.092 g/mL at 25 °C (lit.)



A dibasic ester based formulation can be the perfect alternative for dissolving polar substances such as polyurethane, polyester, and acrylate resins, plus a wide range of coatings and inks.


ATAMAN CHEMICALS dibasic ester technology is used in a wide variety of applications, including:


Coil and Can Coatings

Polyester and Epoxy Sealing Coat

Automotive Coatings

Industrial Paint

Wire Enamel Coatings


HI&I Cleaning

Liquid detergents

Pesticides and insecticides

Textile lubricants

Corrosion inhibitors

Printing inks

Foundry Core Resin Binder

Soil Stabilization

Wet Strength Paper Resins

Depending on the application, the combination of dimethyl glutarate, dimethyl adipate and dimethyl succinate can be custom tailored as a slowly evaporating cleaning and stripping solvent.


Dibasic esters (DBE) - dimethyl esters of adipic, glutaric and succinic acids recommended as alternative to flammable and aggressive solvents. Application: nail polish removers, hand cleaners for stubborn dirt.



Preferable Environmental, Health and Safety Profile

A dibasic ester based solvent blend may be considered a “greener” or environmentally preferable and safer product due to several safety and regulatory attributes, including: Environmental


Low VOC (may qualify for LVP-VOC consumer product exemptions)

Readily Biodegradable

Not included CERCLA/SARA hazardous substances list

Not considered a hazardous waste under RCRA (waste status may change depending on spent resins and substances included in waste stream)

Not included on the CWA list of hazardous substances

Used in EPA Safer Choice formulations



Not considered a carcinogen or reproductive toxin

Low levels of toxicity

Low Odor

Main components not subject to Proposition 65

Included on EPA list of safer chemicals for use in Safer Choice formulations



Non Flammable

Non Corrosive

Non Hazardous DOT

High Flash Point

High Boiling Point

Slowly Evaporating Solvents


Dibasic esters mix (DBE)

​Dibasic ester (DBE) is a refined mixture of dimethyl esters of adipic, glutaric and succinic acids. DBE is a liquid non-flammable, readily biodegradable and non-corrosive with mild fruity odor.


​DBE is readily soluble in alcohols, ketones, ethers, and many hydrocarbons, but only slightly soluble in water and higher paraffins.


DBE is mainly used as solvents in can/coil, waterborne, magnet wire and automotive coatings. 


Further application are industrial cleaners, paint removers, foundry core binders, printing inks,  textile, lubricants, urethane reaction solvents, peroxide solvents and chemical grouting/soil stabilization.


Packaging & Shelf Life:


drums 200 kg net

IBC 1000 kg net


Under proper storage conditions the shelf life is 24 months


Health & Safety:

Detailed information on the product described can be found in our relevant Health and Safety Information (Material Safety Data Sheet).


Dibasic ester

DBE dibasic ester



Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid & glutaric acid

DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid)

Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate

Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate

dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate

dimethyl butanedioate,dimethyl hexanedioate,dimethyl pentanedioate

dimethyl adipate compound with dimethyl glutarate and dimethyl succinate (1:1:1)

Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate










CAS NO: 95481-62-2


METATAGS;Dibasic Esters (DBE); Dibasic ester; DBE dibasic ester; 95481-62-2; Dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate; Estasol; DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid); dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate; dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid and glutaric acid estasol; Dibasic ester; DBE dibasic ester; 95481-62-2; dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate; Estasol; DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid; succinic acid and adipic acid); RDPE; Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate; dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate; 3B3-062362; Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid glutaric acid; 1,4-dimethyl butanedioate 1,5-dimethyl pentanedioate 1,6- dimethyl hexanedioate; 1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE; Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate; Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;dibasic ester;dibazik ester;di bazik ester;dibazikester;dibasicester;DBE;di bazikester;di basic ester;dimethyl butanedioate;dimethyl hexanedioate;dimethyl pentanedioate;Dibasic ester;DBE dibasic ester;95481-62-2;dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate;Estasol;DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid);Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate;Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid glutaric acid;1,4-dimethyl butanedioate 1,5-dimethyl pentanedioate 1,6-dimethyl hexanedioate;1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE;Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;DIMETHYL SUCCINATE, DIMETHYL GLUTARATE, DIMETHYL ADIPATE;CH3OOC-(CH2)2-4COOCH3;Dibasic Esters; Dimethyl Adipate; Butanedioic acid, 1,4-dimethyl ester; Dimethyl succinate;ESTASOLTM oxygenated;solvent;CAS No. 95481-62-2;Dibasic esters;Dimethyl esters;Dimethyl succinate ;CAS No. 106-65-0 ;Dimethyl butanedioate;Dimethyl adipate ;CAS No. 627-93-0;Dimethyl hexanedioate;Dimethyl glutarate ;CAS No. 1119-40-0 ;Dimethyl pentanedioate ;DBE;IMSOL;ESTASOL;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;DBE, Dibasic ester mixture;meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;DBE,Dibasic Esters,Dimethyl butanedioate;Estasol;Dibasic ester;DBE dibasic ester;95481-62-2;dimethyl butanedioate; dimethyl hexanedioate; dimethyl pentanedioate;DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid);RDPE;imsol;dibasic acid;AC1L2OFE;dibasic mixture of esters;meso-dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;SCHEMBL4450294;QYMFNZIUDRQRSA-UHFFFAOYSA-N;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate;AN-34830;PL002239;dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate;dimethyl adipate/dimethyl glutarate/dimethyl succinate;Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid glutaric acid;1,4-DIMETHYL BUTANEDIOATE; 1,5-DIMETHYL PENTANEDIOATE; 1,6-DIMETHYL HEXANEDIOATE;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;Aliphatic Dibasic Esters - DBE, Dibasic Ester;Dimethyl succinate; Succinic acid dimethyl ester;IMSOL;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;DIMETHYL ADIPATE/DIMETHYL GLUTARATE/DIMETHYL SUCCINATE;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;ESTASOL;DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;IMSOL;DBE DIBASIC ESTER;DIMETHYL ADIPATE/DIMETHYL GLUTARATE/DIMETHYL SUCCINATE;DIBASIC ACID;DIBASIC ESTER;ESTASOL;DIBASIC MIXTURE OF ESTERS;meso-Dibenzylaminosuccinic acid;Estasol, DBE dibasic ester, RDPE, Dibasic ester mixture, 422053_ALDRICH, 422061_ALDRICH, DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid), Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid & glutaric acid, Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate, 95481-62-2, DBE, Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate;DBE dibasic ester;RDPE;Dibasic ester;Estasol;DBE; Ester mixture (methyl esters) of diacids C4, C5 und C6;DDE;DIBASICESTER;DIBASIC ESTER;Dİ BASİC ESTER;DİBASİC ESTER;Dİ BAZİK ESTER;DİBAZİK ESTER;DİBAZİKESTER;DBE;dı basıc ester;dıbasıcester;dıbasıc ester;di basic ester;dibasic ester;dibasicester;dı bazık ester;dıbazık ester;dıbazıkester;di bazik ester;dibazik ester;dibazikester



Dibasic ester

DBE dibasic ester





Dibasic dimethyl esters of adipic acid, succinic acid & glutaric acid

DBA Dibasic acid (mixture of glutaric acid, succinic acid and adipic acid)

Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate

Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butanedioate and dimethyl hexanedioate


dimethyl adipate dimethyl glutarate dimethyl succinate

dimethyl butanedioate,dimethyl hexanedioate,dimethyl pentanedioate

dimethyl adipate compound with dimethyl glutarate and dimethyl succinate (1:1:1)

Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, mixt. with dimethyl butandedioate and dimethyl pentanedioate





Dimethyl butanedioate

Methyl succinate


Butanedioic acid, dimethyl ester

Succinic acid, dimethyl ester

DBE-4 dibasic ester

Succinic acid dimethyl ester

Methyl butanedioate

butanedioic acid dimethyl ester

HSDB 5370

EINECS 203-419-9

NSC 52209

1,4-dimethyl butanedioate

Butanedioic acid, 1,4-dimethyl ester

Dimethyl ester of succinic acid


Dimethyl succinate, 99%

dimethyl butane-1,4-dioate


Dibasic Esters

Dimethyl succinate.

Succinic acid dimethyl

Dimethylsuccinate (DMS)

dimethyl 1,4-butanedioate


EC 203-419-9

Succinic acid-dimethyl ester

DBE-4 dibasic ester, 98%

Dimethyl Succinate (Fragrance)

Dimethyl succinate, 98%, FG

Dimethyl succinate, analytical standard

Dimethyl succinate, purum, >=98.0% (GC)

Dimethyl succinate, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, 98%

Butanedioic acid, dimethyl ester;DIMETHYL SUCCINATE;estasol







Glutaric acid dimethyl ester

Dimethyl pentanedioate

Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester

Glutaric acid, dimethyl ester

Methyl glutarate


pentanedioic acid dimethyl ester

Pentanedioic acid, 1,5-dimethyl ester

DBE-5 dibasic ester

EINECS 214-277-2

Glutaric acid, dimethyl ester (8CI)

Dimethyl glutarate, 98%

dimethyl pentane-1,5-dioate




Glutaric acid dimethyl

Di - methyl glutarate


1,5-dimethyl pentanedioate

EC 214-277-2


Glutaric acid-dimethyl ester



DBE-5 dibasic ester, 99%

Dimethyl Glutarate (Fragrance)

dbe-5; dibasicester(dimethylglutarate)

Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester;Glutaric acid, dimethyl ester;DIMETHYL GLUTARATE;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, polymer with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and dimethyl pentanedioate;estasol



Glutaric acid dimethyl ester

Dimethyl pentanedioate

Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester

Glutaric acid, dimethyl ester

Methyl glutarate


pentanedioic acid dimethyl ester

Pentanedioic acid, 1,5-dimethyl ester

DBE-5 dibasic ester

EINECS 214-277-2

Glutaric acid, dimethyl ester (8CI)

Dimethyl glutarate, 98%

dimethyl pentane-1,5-dioate





Glutaric acid dimethyl

Di - methyl glutarate


1,5-dimethyl pentanedioate

EC 214-277-2


Glutaric acid-dimethyl ester


DBE-5 dibasic ester, 99%

Dimethyl Glutarate (Fragrance)


Pentanedioic acid, dimethyl ester;Glutaric acid, dimethyl ester;DIMETHYL GLUTARATE;Hexanedioic acid, dimethyl ester, polymer with 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol and dimethyl pentanedioate;estasol




EC NUMBER: 619-131-5

dimethyl butanedioate;dimethyl hexanedioate;dimethyl pentanedioate

Molecular Formula

Dibasic ester (DBE) is a refined mixture of dimethyl esters of adipic, glutaric and succinic acids. DBE is a liquid non-flammable, readily biodegradable and non-corrosive with mild fruity odor.

DBE is readily soluble in alcohols, ketones, ethers, and many hydrocarbons, but only slightly soluble in water and higher paraffins.

DBE) is mainly used as solvents in can/coil, waterborne, magnet wire and automotive coatings.

Further application are industrial cleaners, paint removers, foundry core binders, printing inks, textile, lubricants, urethane reaction solvents, peroxide solvents and chemical grouting/soil stabilization.

Dibasic Ester (DBE) is an ester of a dicarboxylic acid. Dibasic Ester is normally a mixture of dimethyl succinate, dimethyl glutarate and dimethyl adipate.

Dibasic esters are used in paints, paint strippers, coatings, plasticizers, resins, binders, solvents, polyols, soil stabilization, chemical grouting, oilfield drilling fluids, crop protection products, cedar spray, and adhesives.

The dibasic esters (DBE) are mixtures of methyl esters of adipic, glutaric, and succinic acid.
DBE may be used at 100 percent strength or mixed with other chemicals. One additive is NMP (n-methyl pyrollidone). DBE can be fractionated into other mixtures and pure components to meet market demands.
DBE is commonly used as a paint stripper. It has been used to clean paint guns and lines. DBE-2 and DBE-3 are the solvents of choice.
DBE is used as the active component in paint-removing hand cleaners. DBE and DBE-2 are most often used.
DBE is used, usually in blends with other solvents, as a replacement for glycol ethers.
DBE has a low vapor pressure (0.1 torr or less), so air emissions are likely to be low.
It has low cost and excellent solvency. It dissolves many resins and solubilizes many polar soils.
DBE may be biodegradable and can be recycled using a vacuum still.
DBE is stable at normal temperature, humidity, and pH.
DBE can be purchased in both nonaqueous and water-based strippers.
DuPont recommends blends of 70% to 80% DBE and 30% to 20% NMP as more effective than either solvent alone. It is also economical because the DBE is cheaper to use than NMP.
DBE is a recommended replacement for methylene chloride. If the OSHA-proposed reduction in the threshold limit value (TLV) for methylene chloride from 50 to 25 ppm occurs, the market for DBEs will grow.
Isobutyl diester is stable under normal temperature and humidity when stored and handled in mild steel or aluminum containers or equipment.

Industrial, Resin & Coating, Adhesives, Industrial Drilling, Oil and Gas Production, Drilling Fluid, Hydraulic Fracturing, Fracking


 Dibasic Ester (DBE)



Appearance: colorless transparent liquid

Ether content not less,%: 99

Dimethyl succinate,%: 15-28

Dimethylglutarate,%: 51-70

Dimethyladipate,%: 9-25

Acid content, mgKOH / g: ≤0.3

Moisture contents, %: ≤0.1

Distillation range, ℃: 196-230

Chromaticity, APHA: ≤30

Extended information

It is used as a hardener for phenolic-alkaline resins (in the foundry industry); as a solvent, plasticizer in the chemical industry. It is an environmentally friendly coating solvent. Can replace isophorone, glycol ether, cyclohexanone, etc. Suitable for synthetic resin paints and high temperature fast drying coatings, tabletop, auto coatings, etc.   


Common product names: dibasic ester, dibasic ester, dibasic ester

CAS: 95481-62-2


 Dibasic Ether Part Number :  CAS: 95481-62-2



The solvent of the new line of "eco-friendly" is practically not used in Russia, and in Europe it is only gaining popularity. The product is so new that it has not yet received a stable translation of the name DIBASIC ESTER in Russia.


Main advantages


-Lack of smell,


- average viscosity,


- High boiling point and flash points, not classified as highly flammable liquids


- Safety for humans, even according to the Russian strict control standards, classified as low-hazard substances (hazard class 4).


- has a wide spectrum of dissolving power, similar to n-methylpyrrolidone


- biodegradable.

The main components are dimethyl succinate CH3OOC (CH2) 2COOCH3, dimethyl glutarate CH3OOC (CH2) 3COOCH3, dimethyl phthalate CH3OOC (CH2) 4COOCH3

(hence the first name)


Application of dibasic ester.


A promising solvent designed to replace solvents containing acetone, methylene chloride and other components that are used to clean painting or printing equipment and tools from various types of resins (epoxy, acrylic, polyurethane) and paints. Also used as a hardener for phenolic-alkaline resins (in the foundry industry); as a solvent, plasticizer in the chemical industry. It is an environmentally friendly coating solvent. Can replace isophorone, glycol ether, cyclohexanone, etc. Suitable for synthetic resin paints and high temperature fast drying coatings, tabletop coatings, auto coatings, etc.  




Appearance: colorless transparent liquid

Ether content not less,%: 99

Dimethyl succinate,%: 15-28

Dimethylglutarate,%: 51-70

Dimethyladipate,%: 9-25

Acid content, mgKOH / g: ≤0.3

Moisture contents, %: ≤0.1

Distillation range, ℃: 196-230

Chromaticity, APHA: ≤30

Packing:  200kg (200 liter barrels)

Manufacturer : European Union


Physical properties of dibasic ether (dibasic ester)

Acute Toxicity Assessment: Virtually non-toxic after a single oral dose.


Virtually non-toxic after a single inhalation.


Virtually non-toxic after a single contact with the skin.


If a vapor-air mixture is inhaled in a high concentration corresponding to the volatility of the substance, there is no serious danger.




At the moment it is widely used in world practice in the following industries.


 - in various industries of paint and varnish materials, such as: coatings of rolled metal, coatings for hot drying, painting of containers,


automotive coatings, furniture varnishes and water-based paints, printing ink industries, resins


 industry, intermediates for organic synthesis, industrial detergents and cleaning products and so on.


The salient features of this product:


1. Non-toxic, light odor, low water content; safety, does not contain hazardous substances.


2. Good stability, will not oxidize or volatilize under normal storage conditions.


3. High boiling point and wide boiling range help control the evaporation rate of the entire solvent system.


4. It has a high flash point and low vapor pressure. It has a high combustion temperature; if used like


fuel, calorific values ​​can be as high as 9000 BTU per pound.


5.DBE has good wetting properties on the PC surface and thus can enhance the gloss of coatings.

When combined with titanium dioxide, the coverage, strength and adhesion of the paintwork can be increased, and defects such as punctures, fish eyes and craters can be reduced.


It has a very high dissolving power and can be miscible with most organic solvents.


Has very good mutual compatibility with polyurethane resins, acrylate resins, polyester resins, alkyd resins, epoxies and so on.


The dibasic ester DBE can replace the following solvents:






- ethylene glycol ether n-butyl acetate product name acetate (CAC);


- two-acetone alcohol;


- ethylene glycol monobutyl ether;


- cresol;


- propylene glycol ether series of solvents (butyl glycol butyldiglycol)


Its main areas of application are from world practice.


1. DBE coil-coating helps balance the rate of evaporation of solvents / film formation - and thus prevents


baking coating defects due to the rapid volatilization of solvents.

DBE gives the film a smoother appearance, higher hardness and deformation resistance, and can also increase the hiding power of the paint.


2. In baked coatings - DBE has a special evaporation rate:

- when the temperature rises, DBE volatilizes / evaporates faster than other solvents, that is: volatilizes slowly in the first half of the phase, and quickly


increases in the second phase, which is just during the drying process. The evaporation curve is smoother, the solvent is gone


 more evenly, and that significantly improves the properties of the coating - leveling, shine, and also eliminate surface defects.


3. Decorative metal coatings: DBE can effectively replace isophron and propylene glycol ether used for painting containers, rolled metal, barrels.

High dissolving power and low volatilization helps to better align the paint film, elasticity, adhesion and other important properties.


4. Automotive coatings: DBE can be used in various automotive varnishes and on various types of binders.


When DBE is used in basecoats and varnishes, it can help achieve the perfect gloss and density and hardness of the surface film.

Even if you introduce a small amount of DBE into the composition of paintwork materials, you can see significantly better characteristics for leveling, wetting.


5. DBE baking varnishes are the ideal solvent for coatings based on polyvinyl butyral,


polyformaldehyde, polyurethane, polyester and polyester amide binders.

It can completely replace cresol in polyester and polyesteramide systems.


6. Manufacture of joinery - with DBE you can get better flexibility.

Its introduction also helps to control the rate of the evaporated solvent, which avoids surface defects such as haze.


7. Water-based paint: DBE is an ideal choice as a water-based coalescing agent for use in latex paints.


8. Printing inks: DBE can replace isophron, which is toxic and has a strong unpleasant odor with a high boiling point.


9. Resin Industry - DBE for low viscosity systems. To reduce the viscosity of the resin


no reduction in molecular weight or strength; in addition, DBE can also increase the strength / hardness, while maintaining its original




10. Semi-product for organic synthesis - DBE is a raw material for a number of chemical products, such as


medicine, pesticide initiator and so on ..


11. Industrial Detergents: DBE is widely used as a detergent and varnish remover on an industrial scale.


Dibasic ether

Dibasic ester


Synonym:  DBE, Dibasic Ester Blend


Formula:  CH 3 O 2 C (CH 2 ) nCO 2 CH 3


Description: non-toxic, colorless, transparent liquid with a slight odor. It is produced by the reaction of dicarboxylic acid and methanol with subsequent separation into fractions. Accurate control of esterification and separation processes results in a product with very low moisture, methanol, acidity and color. The product is very stable at normal temperature and humidity






Mass fraction of ether,%


Not less than 99.0


Dimethyl succinate,%




Dimeti glutarate,%








Moisture content, %


No more than 0.1


Acid number (mgKOH / g)


No more than 0.2


Chromaticity (APHA)


No more than 15


Density (at 20 ° C, g / ml)




Distillation range, ° С






Application: Widely used in the manufacture of automotive paints, metal coatings, enameled wire, household appliances and other industries.

DBE dibasic esters are mainly used as lubricants, solvents, plasticizers, additives and lubricants. Dibasic esters are purified dimethyl esters of adipic, glutaric and succinic acids. 

They are non-flammable, non-corrosive - they are environmentally friendly raw materials. Easily soluble in alcohol and only slightly in water, they are a colorless transparent liquid

 with a light fruity odor. ATAMAN has been supplying this raw material to the Russian market, the list of applications is diverse:


- foundry industry (as a hardener of phenolic-alkaline resins)


- production of polymers (as an intermediate product of polyesters, polyols, urethanes). Excellent for fast drying high temperature coatings, table top and sealant coatings.


- agrochemical industry (as an additive to pesticides and insecticides)


- cable industry (as a solvent for coatings of winding and enameled wires)


- paint and varnish industry (as a discoloration agent, for example, synthetic resin paints). Many metropolitan areas use dibasic ether to remove graffiti and spray paint from building facades.


- household chemicals (as a cleaner), for liquid detergents. Replaces many hazardous industrial solvents. Since dibasic ether slowly evaporates, it can be reused after disposal.


- textile industry (as a lubricant)


- automotive industry (as a solvent for auto coatings)


- others (as a corrosion inhibitor)


Have you already tested the dibasic ether in your production? It might be the perfect solution for you! Whether you are cleaning, brushing off paint, or coating to prevent corrosion, choose dibasic ether!



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