1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z


CAS No. 34690-00-1


BHMTPMPA Partially Neutralized Sodium Salt of Bis Hexamethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid) BHMTPH•PN(Nax), BHMTPMP;BHMT;BHMTPh.PN(Nax);Bis(HexaMethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid));PARTIALLY NEUTRALISED SODIUM SALT OF BIS HEXAMETHYLENE;Bis(HexaMethylene Triamine Penta (Methylene Phosphonic Acid)) BHMTPMP
Molecular Formula: C17H44O15N3P5

karbonat ve sülfat köklü bileşikler için efektif skala inhibisyonu sağlar. Yüksek sıcaklık ve geniş pH aralığında yüksek inhibisyon gücü sebebiyle tercih edilmektedir.


BHMTPMP is a high-efficient chelating scale inhibitor, it has good effect to carbonate and sulfate scale. BHMTPMP has good water soluble properties and heat tolerance. BHMTPMP has high calcium ion tolerance in a wide pH ranges and temperature as high as 120℃.

BHMTPMP can be used as scale and corrosion inhibitor for oilfield water, industrial circulating cool water and boiler.

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