1-9 A-D E-G H-M N-P Q-S T-Z



CAS No: 15421-15-5
EC No: 239-432-1

EŞ ANLAMLILARI: Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;
Potasyum Askorbat Etüt Tamponlu C Vitamini Tozu, aksi Askorbik Asit olarak bilinen, saf, ham formda bir tamponlu C vitamini tozudur. Tamponlama c vitamini daha kolay sindirim sistemi yapar ve bağışıklık arttırıcı özellikleri nedeniyle Vitamin en etkili formu sağlar. Bu Askorbik Asit% 100 Ince bir toz potasyum ile C karışımı ve yiyecek ve içecekler veya smoothies ve yeşil içecekler eklenebilir. Bu saf beyaz toz ve hiçbir dolgu maddesi, katkı maddesi veya koruyucu vardır. Çeşitli boyutlarda kişisel kullanım ve miktar indirimleri için toplu paketlenmiş gıdalar ve ticari kullanımlar için gıda tozları mevcuttur. Sadece en kaliteli Harmanlanmış gıda ve toplu maddeler aile sahibi yaşam beslenme için reçete yoluyla elde edilir.
Potasyum askorbat, KC₆H₇O₆ formülüne sahip bir bileşiktir. Askorbik asidin potasyum tuzu ve bir mineral askorbattır. Bir gıda katkı maddesi olarak, E numarası E303, INS numarası 303'tür. İngiltere'de veya ABD'de izin verilen bir gıda katkı maddesi olmasa da, Avustralya ve Yeni Zelanda'da kullanım için onaylanmıştır.
Molar kütle: 214,22 g/mol
Suda çözünürlük: 980 kg/m³
Kimyasal formül: C6H7KO6
PubChem Bileşik Kimlik Numarası: 23687519
Aminler bazik bileşiklerdir.Aminlerin kendilerine has, kuvvetli, kötü
kokuları vardır ve toksiktirler.
• Amonyak, balık, idrar, çürüyen et ve sperm kokuları aminlerden oluşur.
• Pek çok biyolojik etkinlik amino asitlerin parçalanması sonucu aminleri
oluşturur(deaminasyon).Küçük moleküllü alifatik aminler amonyak gibi kokar,
orta büyüklükteki alifatik aminler çok kötü kokuludur, büyük moleküllü alifatik
aminler ve aromatik aminler hafif kokulu bileşiklerdir. Normal şartlarda,
metilaminler (metil-, dimetil- ve trimetilamin) ve etilamin gaz, diğer aminlerin
çoğu sıvı haldedir;bazı büyük moleküllü veya hidrojen bağları yapabilen
sübstitüentleri içeren aminler ise katıdır.
• Gaz aminlerin karakteristik bir amonyak kokusu vardır.
• Sıvı aminlerin kendilerine has "balığımsı" bir kokuları vardır.
• Çoğu alifatik amin hidrojen bağı kurma yeteneğinden dolayı suda çözünebilir.
Karbon atomu sayısı arttıkça çözünürlük azalır Nitrozamin ve Nitrozamid
(N-nitrozo bileşikleri) N nitrozasyon denen bir işlemle oluşur.
• Besin yoluyla alınan nitrit ve nitratın neden olduğu nitrozamin oluşumu askorbat ,erithorbat,Tokoferoller tarafından engellenir.
askorbat: Sodyum askorbat ve potasyum askorbat olmak üzere iki adet tuzu olan askorbik asit,
erithorbat; E316 Sodyum eritorbat. Sodyum iso-askorbik asit. Kaynağı: Eritorbik asidin sodyum tuzu, C vitamininin sentetik izomeridir
Tokoferoller: ısıya karşı oldukça dirençlidir fakat kolayca okside olabilirler. E Vitamini (Dl-Alfa Tokoferol); Yağda çözünebilen bir antioksidandır.
Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;
• Yüksek düzeyde nitrozamin (formülü NH2NO) oluşumu kanser yapıcı özelliktedir. insan vücudundabulunan sekonder aminlerle tepkimeye girerek kanserojen olan nitrözaminleri oluşturur. Clostridium cinsine ait patojen bakteriler olmak üzere diğer bazı patojenlerin gelişimini engellemek ve ürüne özgü tat oluşturmak üzere nitrat ve nitrit et ürünlerine katılmaktadır.Sulardaki nitrat ve nitrit su kalitesinin göstergesidir.Topraktaki azot seviyesi yüksek olduğunda bu bölgelerde yetiştirilen sebzeler yüksek nitrat içeriğine sahip olmaktadır.
Gıdalardaki nitrat ve nitrit seviyesinin artması toplumlarımız açısından çok ciddi bir sağlık sorunudur.Bu nedenden ürünlerimizi yetiştirirken azotlu gübrelemeye dikkat edilmeli, hatta azotlu gübreleme izlenebilir olması gereklidir. Nitrat redüktaz enzimi molibdene bağlıdır. Yetiştiği toprakta molibden veya potasyum eksikliği varsa o bitkiler daha yüksek nitrat içeriğine sahiptir. Gübre uygulaması hasattan kısa bir süre önce yapılınca nitrat düzeyi artmaktadır.
Meyvelerde nitrat ve nitrit oldukça düşük düzeylerde bulunmaktadır. Genelde nitrat 10 mg/kg'ın altında, nitrit ise 1 mg/kg'ın altında bulunmaktadır. Diğer meyvelerden farklı olarak çilekte nitrat içeriği 100 mg/kg'ın üzerinde bulunmuştur.Askorbat, nitriti tutarak kanserojenik nitrözaminlerin oluşumunu engellemektedir. Sebzeler gelişimlerini devam ettirmek için gerekli olandan daha fazla nitrat absorbe ederlerse nitrat birikimi meydana gelmektedir. Ispanak, marul, brokoli, lahana, kereviz,turp ve pancar gibi bitkilerin nitrat biriktirme eğilimleri fazladır. Havuç, karnabahar, patates, fasulye ve bezelye gibi sebzeler ise seyrek olarak nitrat biriktirme eğilimindedir Yapılan çalışmada suda kaynatma ile nitratın %47-56 oranında azaldığı belirlenmiştir. Dört dakika haşlamada, 2 dakika haşlamaya göre analiz edilen bileşiklerde önemli düzeyde azalma tespit edilmiştir.Genel olarak su kullanılarak yapılan bazı işlemler (yıkama, haşlama)nitrat ve nitrit miktarını azaltmaktadır. Bunun nedeni olarak nitrat ve nitritin suda çözünmesi ve haşlama suyu ile beraber uzaklaştırılması gösterilmektedir.Yapılan analizler sonucunda konserve yapma işleminin dondurma işlemine göre daha iyi bir koruma yöntemi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bir yıl depolama sonunda konserve ürünler daha az nitrat ve nitrit içermektedir. FAO/WHO 5 mg NaNO3 veya 3.65 mg NO3-/kg vücut ağırlığı değerlerini günlük alım için izin verilebilir değerler olarak belirlemiştir. Bu değerler nitrit için, 0.2 mg NaNO2 veya 0.133 mg NO2'dir. Sebzelerdeki nitrat ve nitritin başlıca nedenleri topraktaki organik maddeler, azotlu gübrelerin kullanımı,azotlu böcek ilaçlarının kullanımı ve kimyasal endüstriyel atıklardır.Sebzelerde ve sularda nitrat ve nitrit doğal olarak bulunmaktadır. Kürlenmiş et ürünlerine ve peynire ise dışarıdan koruyucu olarak katılmaktadır. Gıdalara uygulanan yıkama, haşlama, sterilizasyon, dondurma gibi teknolojik işlemler ve depolama süresi nitrat ve nitrit miktarını farklı şekillerde etkilemektedir. Ayrıca bitkisel gıdaların hasat zamanı, yetişme koşulları (sulama,toprak, gübre kullanımı v.b.), ürünün yapısı ve çeşidi nitrat ve nitrit miktarını etkilemektedir. Nitrat ve nitrit insan sağlığına olan olumsuz etkilerinden dolayı gıdalarda bulunması istenilmeyen bileşiklerdir.
Potasyum askorbat Antioksidan. C vitamini'nin potasyum tuzu
Sağlıklı bir gelişim, diş, kemik ve deri için vazgeçilmez bir bileşen olan C vitamini olarak da adlandırılan L-askorbik asit (3-keto-L-gulofuranolaktan); demirin absorblanması, kolajen sentezi, kan damarlarının yapısal gücünün sürdürülmesi, bazı aminoasitlerin metabolizmasında ve adrenal bezlerin hormon sentezi ve salgılaması gibi metabolik fonksiyonlarda görev alan karbonhidrat benzeri bir kimyasal maddedir.
Askorbik asit; beyaz veya hafif sarı renkte, kokusuz kristalimsi yapıda bir madde olup suda tamamen çözünürken etanolde biraz çözünmekte dietil eter çözeltisi içinde ise hiç çözünmemektedir. Askorbik asitin geleneksel yolla elde edilmesi, sorbitolün yedi basamaklı kimyasal bir süreç olan Reichstein prosesi ile biyodönüşüme uğratılmasıyla olurken, yeni geliştirilmiş fermantasyon teknolojisi ile bu süreçte önemli bir bileşen olan ketogulanik asit üretim maliyetleri düşürülerek önemli bir ilerleme kaydedilmiştir.
Askorbik asit, genellikle pH kontrolü amacıyla bir asit düzenleyici olarak kullanılmasına rağmen, gıda ürünlerinde asidik bir tat vermektedir. Bira endüstrisinde antioksidan olarak kullanılan askorbik asit; bulanıklığı engelleyerek biranın raf ömrünü iyileştirmekte, et endüstrisinde rengin sürdürülmesi ile ilgili olarak koruyucu görev yapmakta iken, fırıncılık endüstrisinde geliştirici ajan olarak, meyve pulp ve sularında ise renk solmasının önlenmesinde kullanılmaktadır. Bunun dışında tereyağı, donmuş yumurta ürünleri, toz ve konsantre süt, donmuş patates vb ürünlerde. bunlara benzer görevler yapabilmektedir.
Sodyum askorbat ve potasyum askorbat olmak üzere iki adet tuzu olan askorbik asit, özellikle konserve veya şişelenmiş ürünler gibi tepe boşluğu olan ürünlerde oksijen tutucu olarak kullanılmaktadır. Askorbik asitin sodyum ve kalsiyum tuzları; suda çözündüğünden yağları oksidasyondan koruyamamaktadır. Bu amaçla yağ asiti esterleri olan askorbil palmital ve askorbil steorat kullanılmaktadır. Bu esterler, beyaz veya sarımsı beyaz kristal toz halde, turunçgil kokusuna benzer hafif kokulu olup, gıdalarda oksijen tutucu etkisi olan maddelerdir.(İlgili gıda katkı maddelerinin sırasıyla numaraları şu şekildedir: E300 askorbik asit, E301 sodyum askorbat, E302 kalsiyum askorbat, E303 potasyum askorbat, E304 askorbik asitin yağ asidi esterleri ? askorbil palmitat ve askorbil stearat )
Askorbik asit, oksijeni absorblayarak tersinir bir tepkime ile dehidroaskorbik asite dönüşmektedir. Bu önemli fonksiyon, meyve ve sebzelerde oksidatif esmerleşmeyi, et ve deniz ürünlerinde ransiditeyi, sütte arzu edilmeyen koku gelişimini önlemektedir.

C vitamini katkı olarak; vitamin preparatları, içecek ürünleri ve hayvan yemlerinde kullanılmaktadır. Gıdaların C vitamini ile zenginleştirilmesi sırasında, askorbik asit hali hazırda antioksidan olarak görev yapmakta ve vitamin değeri zedelenmektedir. Bunun önüne geçilebilmesi için C vitamini ile zenginleştirilmek istenen ürünlerde, stabilitenin sağlanması
Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;

Meyve sebze işlemede oksidasyona maruz kalan bir askorbik asit çözeltisinde, askorbik asit oksidasyon ve ayrışma ürünleri olan 3-deoxy-L-pentose ve furfuralin?e parçalanır. Böylece oksijen ile kendisi reaksiyon vererek proseste ki diğer bileşenlerin oksijenle okside olmasını engellemiş olur.
Oksijen varlığı, sıcaklık yükselmesi, güneş ışığı ve ultraviyole ışıklara maruz kalma, bakır ve demir gibi ağır metallerin varlığı, güçlü asit ve alkali koşullar gibi durumlarda bu oksidasyonun derecesi artmaktadır. Bu nedenle askorbik asit; karanlık, soğukta ve metal olmayan kaplarda depolanmalıdır.
Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;
Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;
Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;

Molecular Weight 214.21 g/mol
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 3
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 6
Rotatable Bond Count 2
Exact Mass 213.987969 g/mol
Monoisotopic Mass 213.987969 g/mol
Heavy Atom Count 13
Formal Charge 0
Complexity 237
Isotope Atom Count 0
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 2
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count 0
Defined Bond Stereocenter Count 0
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count 0
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 2
Compound Is Canonicalized Yes
Potassium ascorbate is a compound with formula KC6H7O6. It is the potassium salt of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a mineral ascorbate. As a food additive, it has E number E303, INS number 303. Although it is not a permitted food additive in the UK or the USA, it is approved for use in Australia and New Zealand.
Chemical formula C6H7KO6
Molar mass 214.214 g·mol-1
Solubility in water 980 mg/mL
Shelf life is 24 months if stored in a cool and dry location. Please note that it is natural for this product to harden, clump and darken over time. Variations in temperature and humidity will accelerate this process; therefore, it should be transported and stored in a cool, dry environment. The Vitamin C and Potassium content will remain within specification during the listed shelf life. Product will likely require milling before use.
A fine tasting, effervescent Potassium Ascorbate drink containing 700 mg of potassium and 4 grams of Vitamin C, and that's all!
DON'T make this product your only source of Vitamin C since 20 drinks/day (1/2 bottle) can be fatal to an adult!
If you plan taking over two rounded teaspoons per day, please consult your doctor, especially if you have kidney problems.
Serving Size, One Teaspoon. 8 oz Will Make 43 Potassium Ascorbate Drinks.
Oxidative processes linked to the presence of free radicals are involved in the impetus and development of cancer. Free radicals are the main reason for the mechanism of oxidative stress. Living organisms tend to maintain a constant level of the concentration of these oxidizing agents to ensure normal biological processes.
The described mechanism turns out to be very dangerous for the cell when:
it activates a rapid transfer of calcium from intracellular deposits (mitochondria), that could be responsible for mitogenic activation (i.e. cell duplication);
it allows a considerable transport of glucose into the cytoplasm (together with sodium, SGLUT symport) with a speed that increases along with the increasingly greater alteration of the sodium/potassium pump (which is the only active control element of the two electrolytes).
These processes lead to a modification in cell respiration, with a decrease of oxidative phosphorylation and a substantial increase of glycolysis. The production of lactic acids, formed by pyruvate reduction, is also increased. Moreover, this pyruvate reduction prevents the start of the S-phase of the mitosis and its steady decrease in the cytoplasm (for the conversion into lactic acid) takes this block on mitosis away, pushing the cell towards uncontrolled proliferation.
So we have a modification of the intracellular pH that tends to become lightly alkaline, and a modification of the cellular respiration with a significant alteration of the Krebs cycle.
These facts together tend to result in an alteration in form and action of proteins and cytoplasmic enzymes, leading to a polymerization of RNA and a transfer of incorrect information between the ‘periphery' and the ‘operative center' (DNA). This leads to the mutation of the nuclear DNA and carcinogenesis.
In conclusion, the following hypothesis on which we are working now is that degeneration does not arise from a direct damage in the nuclear DNA, but from a problem in the cytoplasm, which means the damage occurs at the peripherical level (cell membrane). This would actually mean that operation of DNA can be strongly influenced by various components of the same cellular environment as well as by cell-to-cell signals.
From experience and data of Dr. Pantellini first and those of the Foundation now it seems that potassium ascorbate, also and especially in its newest formula with ribose, interferes with this process in a major way; it protects the cell against oxidative stress and inhibits the uncontrolled proliferation mechanism.
These facts can be related to the transporting (‘carrier') characteristics of ascorbic acid for potassium (and with the catalytic activity of ribose in the ‘new' formula) as a result from its heterocyclic structure, together with its antioxidant action.
The compound's action is related to the characteristics of potassium as ‘guiding' cation and metabolic regulator at intracellular level and to the ‘carrier' action of vitamin C, which in this specific case performs a similar function to that of the sodium/potassium pump.
The release of potassium inside a cancerous cell can provoke a corresponding runoff of sodium (hence glucose) in the intracellular environment. In this way we can obtain:
a new modification of the local, intracellular pH;
a rapid decrease of nutritional reserves reducing glycolysis and re-establishing the potential block on mitosis. Thus, it seems possible to inhibit the uncontrolled proliferation process.
Furthermore, potassium ascorbate can effectively serve on the level of prevention, maintaining constant intracellular potassium levels. In fact, as previously explained, the imbalance of these intracellular levels with the ‘intrusion' of sodium from extracellular areas would be responsible for (or at least highly involved in) the chain of events that could lead to transformation of a cell into a neoplastic cell. Preventive intake of potassium ascorbate therefore has the objective to protect the cell from the risk of degeneration.
In recent years, the formula has been enriched with ribose which performs a catalytic activity, increasing the speed of the process by which potassium is transferred into cells. For further information, please go to the corresponding section on this website.
Preventive intake of the compound by adults generally consists of taking one dose per day, preferably in the morning on empty stomach 15 minutes before breakfast (unless otherwise indicated based on the evaluation of blood test/parameters).
In the presence of an oncologic disease it is generally recommended to take 3 daily doses (in the morning on empty stomach, 15 minutes before breakfast; and 45 minutes before lunch and dinner).
It is always advisable to have an assessment made by a competent person in order to be able to suggest the most appropriate dose for each situation.
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Potassium Ascorbate Buffered Vitamin C Powder, otherwise known as Ascorbic Acid, is a buffered Vitamin C powder in a pure, raw form. The buffering makes the Vitamin C more easy on the digestive system and provides the most effective form of the Vitamin due to its immune enhancing properties. This Ascorbic Acid is 100% Blended Vitamin C with Potassium in a fine powder and may be added to foods and beverages or smoothies and green drinks. It is a pure white powder and has no fillers, additives or preservatives. Various sizes available for personal use and quantity discounts available on bulk-packed foods and food powders for commercial uses. Only the highest quality Blended food and bulk ingredients are sourced through family-owned Prescribed For Life Nutrition.
While surgery is the definitive treatment for early-stage melanoma, the current therapies against advanced melanoma do not yet provide an effective, long-lasting control of the lesions and a satisfactory impact on patient survival. Thus, research is also focused on novel treatments that could potentiate the current therapies. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of potassium ascorbate with ribose (PAR) treatment on the human melanoma cell line, A375, in 2D and 3D models. In the 2D model, in line with the current literature, the pharmacological treatment with PAR decreased cell proliferation and viability. In addition, an increase in Connexin 43 mRNA and protein was observed. This novel finding was confirmed in PAR-treated melanoma cells cultured in 3D, where an increase in functional gap junctions and a higher spheroid compactness were observed. Moreover, in the 3D model, a remarkable decrease in the size and volume of spheroids was observed, further supporting the treatment efficacy observed in the 2D model. In conclusion, our results suggest that PAR could be used as a safe adjuvant approach in support to conventional therapies for the treatment of melanoma.
Large size single crystals of potassium L-ascorbate monohydrate (KLAM), (KC6H7O6.H2O) are grown using solution growth technique by lowering the temperature at the rate of 0.24 °C/h, where water was used as solvent. The structure of KLAM was solved by single crystal XRD. KLAM crystallizes in noncentrosymmetric, monoclinic, P21 space group with lattice parameters a = 7.030(5) Å, b = 8.811(5) Å, c = 7.638(5) Å and β = 114.891(5)°. The crystal grows with bulky morphology in all three directions having (100), (-100), (-110), (0-1-1), (0-11), (001) and (00-1) prominent faces. TGA and DSC measurements show that KLAM is stable up to 80 °C. The crystal shows good optical transparency with a lower cut off as low as 297 nm. Second harmonic conversion efficiency measured on powder sample is 3.5 times that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP). Phase matching (PM) is observed on a plate of the KLAM. Noncollinear phase matching rings are also observed near the PM directions which help to identify the locus of PM directions. Presence of noncollinear SHG rings up to third order suggests large birefringence and nonlinear optical coefficients. Laser damage threshold value of the crystal is found to be 3.07 GW/cm2 , at 1064 nm in 100 direction.
Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;

Nonlinear optical crystals play key role in solid state lasers [1-4], which emit light at varying frequencies through nonlinear optical processes [5-14]. Due to their versatile applications in scientific and technological applications, they have received research extensive interest. Nonlinear optical crystals have advantages of low cost, chemical stability, large second harmonic coefficients, moderate birefringence (Δn ∼ 0.05-0.10), wide transparency window with high transmission and high laser damage threshold all of which are of scientific and technological interest [15-17]. Saccharides (sugars) are organic materials composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The molecules of saccharides are chiral and crystallize in noncentrosymmetric crystal structure which is a prerequisite for generation of second harmonic [5]. L-ascorbic acid is a monosaccharide which is water soluble and forms colorless bulky crystals due to multi-directional hydrogen bonding [18]. Saccharides have higher melting point and are harder than van der wall bonded materials [19], but crystals which include water molecules in their structure lose crystallinity when water goes out. Saccharide crystals possess second harmonic generation (SHG) capability and are potential material for phase matching [20]. Previous reports on lithium l-ascorbate dihydrate, lithium D-isoascorbate monohydrate, sodium D-isoascorbate monohydrate, D-isoascorbic acid have shown that saccharides indeed possess moderate to large birefringence and low dispersion and therefore are easily phase-matchable [21- 24]. Ascorbic acid and its salts are not very stable in solution as they oxidize and degrade however they are quite stable in crystalline state [25]. A previous report on lithium salt of ascorbic acid shows that the introduction of lithium ion improves its chemical and physical properties. Besides, crystal structure is modified which leads to enhancement in nonlinear optical properties like conversion efficiency, laser damage threshold, and stability [23]. For investigating the effect of other alkali metals like potassium, we synthesized the potassium salt of l- ascorbic acid, which is monohydrate, crystallizes in monoclinic P21 noncentrosymmetric space group which satisfies the structural requirement for second harmonic generation. In this paper, we discuss the synthesis, crystal growth, structural and thermal (TGA and DSC) properties of potassium l- ascorbate monohydrate KLAM. Also, powder SHG by Kurtz Perry method, noncollinear and collinear phase matching and laser damage are investigated.
Costello syndrome is a rare genetic disease. Its actual prevalence is unknown, but approximately 200 cases have been reported in the literature. It is characterized by failure to thrive in infancy, short stature, delayed development, intellectual disability, coarse facial features (full lips, large mouth, sparse or curly hair), and skin and cardiac anomalies. Relative or absolute macrocephaly is typical. Dermatological findings include loose folds of skin, especially on the hands and feet, acanthosis nigricans, dark skin and papillomata. Hyperextensibility of the fingers and unusually flexible joints are also frequent. Affected infants may be larger than average at birth, but as a result of severe postnatal feeding difficulties, they grow more slowly than normal children. Cardiac dysfunction is common, especially in the form of arrhythmia, structural heart defects and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (1, 2). Mild to moderate intellectual deficit is usual; most patients exhibit a characteristic sociable and friendly personality (3).
Beginning in early childhood, patients with Costello syndrome are predisposed to the development of tumors, with an approximately 15% lifetime risk. The most common tumor associated with the syndrome is rhabdomyosarcoma. Neuroblastoma and transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder have been also reported (4). Diagnosis of Costello syndrome is based on clinical features; regarding molecular genetic testing, sequence analysis of Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (HRAS), the only gene currently known to be associated with the syndrome, detects mutations in 89-90% of individuals with this clinical diagnosis (5, 6). Cardiac examinations should be performed to identify for heart defects, and physical and occupational therapies are recommended. The prognosis depends on the severity of the cardiomyopathy and on the occurrence of malignant tumors.
According to Knudson's two-hit hypothesis, cancer risk in Costello syndrome depends on a first germinal mutation in HRAS inherited by a parent and on a second somatic mutation. We hypothesized that this second DNA mutation could be linked to environmental factors. Given the link between oxidative stress (OS) and neoplastic risk underlined by recent literature (7, 8), we assumed that OS may also play a role in cancer development in patients with Costello syndrome. We also hypothesized that free radicals (FRs) are involved in determining non-neoplastic clinical features of the syndrome, such as elastin anomalies, alterations of the skin and appendages, developmental retardation, and cardiac defects. The pathogenesis of these clinical features, in fact, could be linked to OS damage to the cell cycle, apoptosis mechanism and DNA integrity.
The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence and the nature of OS in patients with Costello syndrome, as well as to evaluate the possible positive effects of therapy with an antioxidant agent. A redox biomarker profile was assessed in four patients with clinical diagnosis of Costello syndrome, confirmed by the presence of HRAS mutation. Once OS was ascertained, an antioxidant agent, namely potassium ascorbate with ribose (PAR) was introduced into therapy. PAR combines the antioxidant action of vitamin C with the stabilizing intracellular effects of potassium. Ribose acts as a catalyst, strengthening the action of potassium ascorbate.
Once OS was ascertained in our patients, PAR therapy was started, administering a daily dose of 150 mg L-ascorbic acid, 3 mg D-ribose and 300 mg potassium bicarbonate, on the basis of a protocol used for other genetic syndromes and approved by the local Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Siena. After the introduction of PAR therapy, the patients were monitored quarterly. The clinical outcome, psychomotor development, evolution of heart disease and the occurrence of abdominal diseases were carefully monitored, as well as the appearance of neoplasms and changes in OS biomarkers.
Eş Anlamlıları: Potassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 15421-15-5; UNII-X5523762RI; X5523762RI; EINECS 239-432-1; SCHEMBL102435; 3-O-Potassio-L-ascorbic acid; DTXSID80165560; Potassium (R)-2-((S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-olate; EN300-221654; Q56410901potas askorbat; potasyum askorpat; potasium ascorpate; potasıum ascorpate: askorbate; potassıum ascorpate; potas askorpat; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; potassium;(2R)-2-[(1S)-1,2-dihydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2H-furan-3-olate; Monopotassium ascorbate; Potassium L-ascorbate; 2-(1,2-Dihydroxyéthyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate de potassium; Kalium-2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolat; Potassium 2-(1,2-dihydroxyethyl)-4-hydroxy-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-3-furanolate; hidrofuran; furan oleat; monopotasyum askorbat; monopotasyum askorpat; mono potasyum askorbat; monopotas askorpat; mono potas askorbat; asorbat; asorbant; ascorpat; potassum L-askorpat; potasum L-askorbat; potasyum askorbot; potassyum askorpot; kalyum foranolat; okso hidrofuran; ogzo hidrofuran; okzo hidro furan; ogso hidro furanolat;

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